Rescue efforts for boys in Thai cave could take up to 4 days


Elite divers began Sunday's operation extremely dangerous to extract 12 boys and their football coach who were trapped in a flooded underground complex in northern Thailand for more than two weeks, while the monsoon rains threatened the rescue effort. The "Wild Boars" team was confined in a cramped room several kilometers from the Tham Luang cave complex since June 23, when they entered after football practice and were surrounded by floods. of monsoon

. Thailand and the rest of the world, as authorities have struggled to develop a plan to extract boys and their trainer through tortuous, narrow and jagged pbadages that in some places are completely flooded

"Today" It's D-Day. The boys are ready to take on any challenge, "Narongsak Osottanakorn, chief of the rescue, told reporters near the cave site as the monsoon rains provoked more floods in the cave and blocked a rescue offer.

Ongsak said that the first boy had to be out of the cave around 9:00 pm (14:00 GMT), which means the trip would take about 11 hours.

However, another commander of the operation said that the operation would take two to three hours. Time is running out, with the boys and their coach coming out one by one, and the weather conditions would play a role in determining how long it would take.

"General Chalongchai Chaiyakorn, an army commander, told reporters that more than 1,000 journalists had converged near the entrance of the site to evacuate the area. rescue operation

It is confirmed that the rescue operation has started to bring home the young footballers and their coach.Thirteen foreign divers and five Thai divers SEAL are now in the cave.Thank you for praying for the good return of each one.

"ยืนยัน ภารกิจ นำ หมูป่า บ้าน บ้าน บ้าน บ้าน" #ThamLuang # ถ้ำ หลวง # Thailand

– Richard Barrow in Thailand (@RichardBarrow) July 8, 2018

"All those who are not involved in the operations must immediately leave the area", announced the police by loudspeaker [19659002] The boys, ages 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old coach were found by British cave diving specialists nine days after they ventured, disheveled and hungry, on a ledge several kilometers inside the cave

. Narongsak had previously dubbed the rescue operation "Mission Impossible".

The death of a former Thai Navy diver who ran out of oxygen in the cave on Friday highlighted the danger of the trip even for professional practitioners. 19659002] After a small rain storm Saturday night and more bad weather forecast on Sunday, Narongsak said the authorities should act immediately. "There is no other day when we are more ready than today," he said. "Otherwise we will lose the opportunity."

Heavy, persistent rains could raise water on the plateau where the children were sitting, reducing the area to "less than 10 square meters," Narongsak said Saturday.


– Rescue Efforts –

The initial euphoria at the idea of ​​finding boys alive quickly turned into a deep anxiety as rescuers struggled to find a way to get them out

had fed an air cave of a length of several kilometers into the cave to restore oxygen levels in the room where the team was hosted by doctors and expert divers.

More than 100 exploratory holes were drilled. meters in the side of the mountain to try to open a second escape route and avoid forcing boys to dive into submerged tunnels.

Israeli rescuers participated in the international effort to help children as well as Israelis. technology

Maxtech network engineer, Tom Gilad explained to i24NEWS that his company's technology, which was used to maintain communication with boys, "thrives underground … where radio systems do not do so ". work "by" allowing you to create a virtual infrastructure. "

Saturday, Israel's ambbadador to Thailand Meir Shlomo visited the site and said that he had come at the request of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu" to see how Israel could help his friend. Thailand. "

The Thai Navy SEALS published touching notes scrawled by footballers trapped at their families, who were anxiously waiting for them near the entrance to the cave.

The boys urged their loved ones not to be killed. Their favorite food once they have been safely evacuated, in notes given to divers.

In a, Pheerapat, nicknamed "Night", whose group celebrated the cave when they remained stranded on June 23, said: "I like it there, dad, mom and my sister.

The coach, Ekkapol Chantawong, whom many Thais have criticized for driving the boys into the cave, also apologized.

"To all parents, all children are always good. I promise to take the best possible care for the children, "he said in a note addressed to divers on Friday. Thank you for all the moral support and I apologize to the parents. "

FIFA President Gianni Infantino invited the boys to the World Cup final in Moscow, based on the success of the mission and the boys' health." I sincerely hope that They will be able to join us in the finale, which will undoubtedly be a wonderful moment of communion and celebration, "said Infantino. [ad_2]
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