Rescuers turn to Israeli technology to help rescue Thai boys trapped


The emergency mobile communication technology developed by the Israeli company Maxtech Networks is being used by rescue teams working to rescue 12 teenagers and their 25-year-old coach who were trapped for 11 days in a flooded cave. Thailand. [19659002Lesadolescentsuneéquipedefootballmasculineontétéportésdisparusle23juinaprèsunmatchdefootballalorsqu'ilsvisitaientunegrottetentaculairede10kilomètresdelongdanslarégiondeChiangRaiaunordetétaientprisaupiègeparuneinondationLestentativesontétéentravéesnonseulementparlamontéedeseauxmaisparlemanquedecommunicationentrelespremiersintervenantscarlessystèmesdecommunicationexistantsnepouvaientpastravaillerdanslacomplexitédesgrottessouterraines

Uzi Hanuni, 51, CEO of Maxtech L & # 39; company agent in Thailand was approached first by special forces of the Thai Navy shortly after the disappearance of boys.

"From there, everything was clear to us," Hanuni told ISRAEL21c. "We knew we would do everything we could to save these boys."

On June 25, Yuval Zalmanov, Maxtech's software engineer, jumped on a plane with 17 emergency-response Max-Mesh units to train first responders. how to use technology. Zalmanov was joined by Asaf Zmirly, an Israeli who owns a rescue company and lives in Thailand

Zalmanov is now integrated into the rescue team, made up of Thai special forces and international experts. Maxtech's device looks like a simple walkie-talkie, but it has sophisticated software algorithms that allow users to communicate with each other. more than three kilometers away.

It took 10 years to develop Hanuni's technology. No direct line of sight is needed, which allows it to be used in complex environments such as underground caves, where no other communication device will work.

"At each rescue mission, you must coordinate the rescue team and know at all times where they are, and what is their status," says Hanuni.

"These caverns are very long, and you can not send messengers through them, but divers must be in constant contact with their base so that everyone knows where they are.No other system could work here, except ours. first responders alive. "

Time is vital in an emergency

Maxtech was founded by Hanuni, a serial entrepreneur and expert in wireless RF communications, 12 years old, technology has already been used in Israel, Italy and India in the defense, security and aerospace fields, and products from Guatemala, Chile and Mexico interest

"Any country in the world that i have a rescue team must have such a system in their hands. It's not a matter of choice, it's a matter of saving lives, "says Hanuni. "In life-saving missions, time is of the essence – the first hours and the first days are essential to save lives."

"When first responders arrive in an area after a natural disaster, they can not count on it." They need to be able to start operating immediately, but if they are waiting to build some sort of infrastructure, they are losing vital time.We allow them to start to work immediately. "

Since Maxtech's role in the rescue attempt has hit the news, the company has been inundated with inquiries from around the world. "In the past two days, our website has almost crushed due to attention," Hanuni said. "Every hour we had had about 30-40 requests for information."

For boys, whose fate is followed by anxious people all over the world, it's now a race against time. The boys are trapped in total darkness on a mud bank deep in the cave system. While the water is pumped out of the caves, it is the monsoon season, and a storm is expected soon.

The debate among the rescuers is whether to try to bring out the boys, who can not swim or dive immediately or try to wait several months for the waters to retreat. The one or the other option is dark.

Hanuni said that beside food and medical supplies, relief forces are now trying to pbad a communication cable to the boys so that they can talk to their families.

"The only thing we hope for now is that boys come out alive," Hanuni said. "We have come here to save them, and that's all we want."

Israel has long experience in developing innovative technologies for emergency situations, with devices such as Water-Gen. the atmosphere and purify existing water sources; Pocket BVM, a foldable resuscitation and breathing support device; SkySaver, a personal rescue device that can evacuate a person from a 120-storey building; and the Agilite Instant Harness, a booster harness used to save the lives of South African miners trapped underground in 2013.

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