Sabah al-hir Israel! Now you are free – Opinion – Israel News


Hello Israel! Sabah al-hir .

If I can be allowed to use my tongue with a special status to congratulate you on your special status today: Alef alef mabruk .

Finally, a house for the Jewish people has been established, finally the Hebrew language is the dominant language, you can speak it freely, say anything without fear or the need to consider your peer peers, without the burden of correction and / or the yoke of politeness.

From today onwards, in Hebrew, it is possible to discriminate against the citizens without having to twist and turn to tiresome evasive explanations or – God forbid – to say no. ;excuse! Each person or community can declare "neighbors are not pleasant to me" – in bold and in broad daylight. Whoever wants to stick to the neighbors, lock the doors and seal their hearts without being overwhelmed by the pangs of conscience or annoying annoyance of civil obligation (not to mention the human obligation) . Such emancipation.

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Moreover, the time has really come for us to stop disturbing the gentle minds of children with a multiplicity of official languages. Why do we need to disturb their ears to try to understand each other? After all, who is this other? There are rumors (perhaps not scientifically proven, but with a right touch) that the other does not exist at all.

We must protect young people, protect them from outside influences, not overly confuse them, so that they can carry out their carefully planned and targeted military and security careers.

Eliminate superfluous tongue will have other advantages, after all, it will free up space on the road signs, where it will be possible to add inspiring images of Kabbalists and great scholars Torah or pleasant educational messages.

If I can take the liberty of being creative, can I suggest: Why not add, for example, pretty emojis that symbolize solidarity and acceptance of each other? (After all, it's important to educate kids about values ​​from a distant past – even if that effort has ended in failure. In any case, history is something something to learn.)

Mabruk Israel, to now be able to walk without interference towards half of your dream, while throwing the other half in the trash. This other half, moralising and burdensome, has been a heavy burden for the last 70 years – real chains on your legs that have slowed your advancement. What do you need from this absurdity of democracy for when you can just be Jewish?

It is good that you get rid of this pretense, now you can jump easily and freely into the future. Just a friendly tip: When you go out in the future take a flashlight with you, or a small lantern; it will be dark outside.

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