Sabotage of olive trees strikes Palestinian farmers | News, Middle East


Palestinian farmer Mahmoud Abu Shinar examines two rows of cut olive trees, which he says has become sadly familiar. He did not see who took them a chainsaw at night, but he blames the inhabitants of an Israeli settlement located a few hundred meters away.

Some of the incidents are perceived as revenge attempts as a result of Palestinian attacks against Israelis, even if the targeted farmers were not involved.

According to the United Nations, more than 7,000 Palestinian-owned trees have been vandalized so far this year.

Just 10 meters away is an abandoned house covered with Hebrew graffiti, while the Israeli settlement of Har Brakha is located on a hill.

Farmers said two days earlier settlers had collapsed and damaged trees.

Caroline, the retired Briton, who refused to give her full name, said she had come every year for ten years to work with Palestinian communities close to "particularly difficult settlements".

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