Samsung foldable phone coming with a massive curved battery, launch in early 2019


We hear about Samsung working on a foldable phone for years. The phone, which will be called Galaxy X will soon be a reality, most likely next year. The Samsung phone will come with foldable display panels. It is for this reason that other components will also need to be flexible. As say, the battery. A new report reveals that the Samsung foldable phone's battery will be shaped like a curve.

According to the new report, Galaxy X or Samsung foldable phone will come with a mbadive battery configuration. The size of the foldable phone's battery should be between 3000mAh and 6000mAh battery. The chances of the battery size being around 6000mAh battery is all the more so as the phone is supposed to come with a mbadive 7.3 inch screen.

Previous reports suggest that Samsung foldable phone display size will be 7.3 inches. The size, however, should be reduced to 4.3 inches after the phone has been folded. Coming back to the curved battery of the phone, reports suggest that the Samsung SDI is the one working on the development of the V-shaped battery.

Samsung foldable phone has been going on for a long time now. Reports reveal that the phone will be official in the first months of 2019. Samsung is expected to launch the Galaxy X with Galaxy S10. Meaning, chances are Samsung can launch its foldable phone at Mobile World Congress, Barcelona in February.

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The new report, next to reveal the V-shaped battery or curved for the foldable phone, also reveals that the display panels of the device will go into production this summer, only if there is no problem. [19659002] As for pricing, the collapsible Samsung phone is going to cost a bomb. The reports are, Samsung can launch the Galaxy X or a collapsible phone for a price of $ 1850, which translates to roughly Rs 12.6752. Which means that the collapsible phone from Samsung will be more expensive than the iPhone X.

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