Samsung's foldable smartphone can include a 3000 mAh battery


Following recent reports that Samsung would begin producing the OLED screens needed for its foldable smartphone later this summer, a new report now claims that the South Korean giant is also preparing the production of folding batteries

. the capacity, no concrete figure has been given, although Samsung can produce batteries with a capacity of anywhere between 3,000 and 6,000mAh. However, given Samsung's previous battery problems and the fact that the form factor will be completely new, the company should opt for a battery that is on the lower side of the capacity spectrum. However, when the unfolded screen size is taken into account, anything below 4000mAh can result in relatively low battery life.

Just as the production of screens, Samsung should limit the initial number of the process is successful the company can eventually increase the speed. However, given that the South Korean giant is expected to deliver between 300,000 and 500,000 units of its smartphone, Samsung will not be in a hurry to increase its production.

For the moment, the company has not yet confirmed the details. surrounding its first collapsible smartphone, but it should be noted that recent reports have claimed that the device will see an official announcement in February at MWC 2019, after the unveiling of the flagship Galaxy S10 series in January. In addition, with regard to prices, a price of just under $ 2,000 seems very likely at the present time, with limited availability to a handful of major markets such as the United States , South Korea and the United Kingdom. 19659005] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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