Shas Councilman will present himself at Tel Aviv City Hall | Jewish News | News from Israel



If Natan Elnatan does not attend the Tel Aviv City Hall, the next mayor will be a secular leftist with little sympathy for the rights and needs of the religious public. This, and the surprising fact that he has a chance to win, is why the representative of Shas in the municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa decided to run for mayor.

Ron Huldai, the mayor of the past 20 years, was supposed to be a shoo-in to succeed once again, until the competition appeared. First, his deputy, Asaf Zamir, announced his candidacy. Then Labor MP Stav Shafir joined the game.

"We saw that there are six candidates, and they all come from the left and the far left. a Jew who observes Torah and mitzvot, and for a traditional Jew and a right winger, there is no candidate for whom he can vote, "Elnatan told Arutz Sheva on Sunday.

Elnatan said that he enjoyed broad support Politicians. "Everyone said to me," You have to go to the town hall.If there is 40% [del'electoratethereligious chareidi traditional and right] who have no alternative, against 60% who have six candidates, we must present a candidate against the "

On the thorny issue of closing the shops on Shabbos, Elnatan said: "We have not sought to close the entire city and we have no intention of closing it." But there was a status quo here for years. Entertainment venues and restaurants were open, and all businesses and supermarkets were closed. I would be happy to see that the whole city is closed, but I live in Tel Aviv and not in Bnei Brak and I know how to live in a mixed city. "

Addressing the stubborn problem of illegal migrants in South Tel Aviv:" The municipality must invest less in infiltrators, to give them the minimum required by law, while investing more resources in the southern Jewish community of Tel Aviv. "

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