Six Palestinian workers killed in car crash near Jordan Valley


Six people were killed and five injured on Sunday morning when a truck collided with a minibus on Highway 90 towards the Jordan Valley.

Magen David Adom rescue teams arrived in Petzael Junction to treat the victims.

Some were stuck inside the minibus when the vehicle structure collapsed. After being rescued, the individuals were transferred to hospitals by ambulance and by military helicopter.

The minibus reportedly took a group of Palestinian workers, aged between 30 and 30, from Jerusalem and surrounding areas to their workplace at the Maouf poultry factory.

The road has since been closed to traffic in both directions.

An investigation was opened on the incident and the police arrested the driver of the truck.

Last week, in another fatal road accident on Highway 90, six children and two parents were killed by the Dead Sea.

They drove a van that collided head-on with an SUV traveling in the opposite direction on the two-way winding road. The van was burned down and killed some of those trapped in the vehicle.

"I killed them, I will not drive in my life," the commercial vehicle driver told police, local media reports said.

Israeli Sarah, MDA's senior paramedic, described the accident as "a shocking accident," adding that she had "never seen such a disaster" since all her years of work.

A Knesset member said that it was time to act, the road being a danger for too long.

"This road is a danger for many years," said Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin of the Zionist Unionthe Jerusalem Post.

"In the end, we need to find a way to prevent these accidents. We need to put a barrier on the road, at least in part, and I intend to contact the Minister of Transport to promote such a plan as soon as possible. possible, "she added.

Just a few weeks ago, another accident in the same area cost the lives of a group of parents and their baby during a bus collision.

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