Smaller plates do not help you eat less when you're hungry


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Healthy Eating Habits

It turns out that deceiving the brain by eating less while serving food on a smaller plate does not necessarily work.

According to a new study by Ben Gurion Researchers at the University of the Negev (BGU), when people are starved of food, are more likely to accurately identify a portion no matter how it is served.

A new study demystifies the popular Delbouef-based diet An illusion that predicts that people will identify sizes differently when they are placed in a larger or smaller object.

Dr. Tzvi Ganel, head of the Visual Perception Laboratory, said, "The size of the plate does not matter. Even if you are hungry and have not eaten, or are trying to reduce portions, one serving looks like another, that it fills a smaller plate or is surrounded by a empty space on a larger one.

First study to examine how food deprivation affects the perception of food in diff in different settings, Dr. Ganel and BGU Ph.D. student Noa Zitron-Emanuel found that people who have not eaten for at least three hours were more likely to correctly identify the proportions of pizza placed on trays larger and smaller than those who had recently eaten.

To the food. According to researchers, hunger stimulates a stronger badytical treatment that is not so easily fooled by the illusion

"When people are hungry, especially when they are dieting, they are less likely to To be deceived by the size of the plate, eat less and more prone to overeating later, "added Dr. Ganel.

(With ANI entries)

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