SMS judge expelled from the judiciary – Israel News


  Texting Judge Expelled from the Judiciary

Judge Ronit Pozansky-Katz was effectively suspended.


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"Ronit Pozansky-Katz, a Text Judge", was expelled from the bench on Wednesday by a special disciplinary court for sending inappropriate text messages to a government lawyer regarding hearings prior to the 4000 case.

In mid-April, the same judicial panel convicted Pozansky-Katz of unbecoming conduct of a judge in the framework of a plea bargain.

But until Wednesday, Pozansky-Katz had hoped that she would only be suspended and not expelled permanently. In the end, the panel ruled that despite a strong criminal record, the Pozansky-Katz offense was so detrimental to the judicial credibility it deserved to have. removed from the game.

Pozansky-Katz resigned from the Bezeq case after being caught texting with Eran Shaham-Shavit about the detention procedures.

Photos of Texts between Pozansky-Katz and Shaham-Shavit seemed to show them the number of days of detention in the case 4000

Coordination, in which the defense lawyers manage to weigh on the arguments from the state outside the public process, may justify the cancellation of an order for prolonged detention

The Bezeq case is an investigation into allegations Netanyahu ordered his principal badistant Shlomo Filber, who he appointed director general of the Ministry of Communications, to make political decisions in favor of telecommunications. giant of unications. In exchange, the Walla information website reportedly agreed to give Netanyahu positive media coverage as dictated by his badistant, Nir Hefetz, and perhaps his wife Sara

. Shaul Elovitch, owner of Walla and Bezeq

Two weeks ago, Supreme Court President Esther Hayut announced new regulations that will link the interactions between judges and prosecutors, usually by preventing them from hold individual meetings. In February, the Judicial Complaints Representative, Eliezer Rivlin, said the judiciary needed to deepen the general issue of problematic contact between judges and government lawyers in detention hearings.

The Hayut decision was the culmination of this appointment. a special judicial working group to gather views and facts on the issue from judges, police, prosecutors and defense lawyers.

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