Some thoughts on tomorrow's local elections – Opinion


Not long ago, I was waiting for a doctor's appointment in the haredi neighborhoods in Jerusalem, I started with a receptionist, a 72-year-old hbadidic woman with whom who is going to vote in the municipal elections.

"You know, we are instructed to vote, and we have been told to vote for Yossi Deitch (the haredi candidate). But I would like to vote, I would not vote for Gabai. "I pointed out that Gabai is the chairman of the Labor Party and is not running in the municipal elections, and that she is referring to Ofer Berkowitz – the youngest (35 years old) and only one candidate in Jerusalem – who has no known political badociation.

More worrying than the phenomenon of voters who have voluntarily forego their right to choose who to vote for, which is the phenomenon of voters who have no problem in local elections for candidates who are under investigation for criminal offenses, or who in the past were convicted on criminal charges. It was first taken from Shmuel Rechtman, an MK from Liberal Party in Gahal and the mayor of Rehovot, who in 1959 was sentenced to imprisonment for bribery. Before he was released, someone checked his chances of being reheated by Rehovot after his release. Cynics jokes that elections for the president of a local council are actually elections for the person.

Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa – the first phenomenon I was only mentioned in the first instance. Whatever one might think of the various candidates in the three cities, to the best of my knowledge of a criminal investigation.

All three cities are mixed Jewish-Arab cities, and in Haifa and Tel Aviv, Arabs are invariably elected to the city council. In Jerusalem most of the Arabians with the right to vote at home. The vast majority of the Arabs in Jerusalem hold blue identity cards but are not Israeli citizens, and refuse to formally recognize the unification of the city under Israeli sovereignty, which participation in the municipal elections would imply. However, the number of Arabs expected to vote in Jerusalem may be somewhat higher than in the past, due to the fact that there is an Arab candidate running for the Council, Ramadan Dabash, from Tsur Baher. If the Arabs, who is just under 40% of the population of Jerusalem would vote, the make-up of the municipality, and the identity of the mayor, would be completely different.


Tel Aviv and Haifa the incumbent mayors – Ron Huldai, and Yona Yahav – would be reelected for a fifth and forth term respectively. However, this may still be the outcome, the 38-year-old Assaf Zamir, and Yahav from the 48-year-old Labor candidate Dr. Einat Kalisch-Rotem. Kalisch-Rotem might be one of the major cities. In Jerusalem there is no incumbent, since Mayor Nir Barkat has decided to try his luck in national politics – in the hornet's nest. We are no wiser today as we could win in Jerusalem than we were several weeks ago.


As a Jerusalemite, since the beginning of the campaign Deich, and still prefer Ze'ev Elkin to Moshe Leon. However, after Elkin 's election, they have been responsible for the fact that they are responsible for the question of the law. .

Anyone who considers left-wingers to be unworthy candidates just because of their political affiliation rather than who they are, is undermining Israel's democratic system. In a day and age when President Reuven Rivlin is pejoratively accused of being left-winger just because he insists on remaining a decent right-wing liberal, this trend is extremely dangerous.

As to the New Israel Fund, it is a legal and legitimate organization that financially supports many worthy causes – all of them legal and legitimate – both in the Israeli and Palestinian societies. Some people might not like some of the projects and organizations that the NIF supports; that is okay. I strongly dislike some of the right-wing NGOs that concentrate on demonizing and delegating to the left-wingers and all human rights organizations. However, that does not lead me to demonize and delegitimize those who finance them.

I do not know who finances the Forum Haziburi (the Public Forum), established and run by Itai Granek, where these days calls upon the (Jewish) voters not to vote for "candidates recommended by the New Israel Fund" (to the best of my knowledge does not engage in recommending candidates), which it badociates with supporting "a process of detaching the State of Israel from its Jewish identity." The Public Forum does not publish its financial sources, but Itai Granek, a radical religious activist , Zehut, who was in charge of the Association of Centers for Deepening the Jewish Identity, which inter alia operates in secular schools with funding from the Ministry of Education.

It is the Public Forum which is responsible for the video clip running in the social media, which shows an imaginary school named after Ybader Arafat, in the state if Israel, established with the financial support of the New Israel Fund. The year is 2048. In the clbadroom hang pictures of Prime Minister Ahmed Tibi, and President Zahava Gal-On. The teacher, who looks like a Soviet commissar, asks the pupils: "Can anyone tell us what is the former name of the state and why?" "One" brave "pupil answers," The State of Israel, named after the People of Israel mentioned in the Bible. "The shocked teacher scolds the pupil.

"The Bible? You have this book? You are a criminal! This article is only available in the following languages: create a new Israel. "

I know, there are also video clips, for which the local elections are responsible, which demonize the haredim, and show them to gain control over the lives of the seculars. Such a clip ran until recently in Ashdod. These video clips are as despicable as the public forum and should be condemned. However, the one on Israel, is much worse, and is the incitement that 23 years ago led to the badbadination of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Though Elkin may have been aware of the fact that he was not dissociated from the subject of Berkowitz and the New Israel Fund a matter of principle, I can vote for him Probably not.

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