Spokane Symphony to feature a piece for four-handed piano playing this weekend


SPOKANE, Wash. – One piano, two people, four hands and all at the same time. That’s how its going to go during the Brahm’s Opus 25 which was arranged specially for the Silver-Garburg Piano Duo to play.

The husband and wife pair play the piano simultaneously, at times crossing over each other to hit notes.

“It is like you become one person with four hands,” said Sivan Silver, “you can do impossible things because it all comes together.”

The piece is played with full orchestra, and lasts approximately 40 minutes.

“In one word,” said Gil Garburg, “it is very intimate. You really get into the soul of each other.”

Together, the Silver-Garburg pair have played in more than 70 countries around the world, and have been close friends of the Spokane Symphony’s departing maestro Eckart Preu for years.

Tickets are still available for both weekend performances which will also include two other pieces by Sibelius. More information can be found on the symphony website by clicking here.

The pair will also hold a master clbad on Friday afternoon, that is free to the public, four local budding pianists have auditioned for the chance to learn from the world renowned piano players.

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