Stephen Harper's speech in Paris proves that nations do not have permanent allies – or enemies


Many readers would be offended if anyone suggested that the Roman Catholic Church was an old terrorist organization with attributes of worship.

Yet, would terrorism not be a fair description of the Inquisition, the brutal effort to root? of the heresy conducted from the 12th to the early 19th century by what was actually a non-state actor, as they say in the bland militarist bureaucrat of the 21st century?

And this is not the idea of ​​excommunication for any reason whatsoever, even though it is no longer very much practiced, the kind of behavior that we badociate to this day to religious cults?

I ask these questions only as a kind of defense of Stephen Harper, the former Conservative prime minister who obviously has too much free time these days, for traveling to Paris last Saturday to make a speech apparently well compensated at a rally "free Iran" sponsored by a group of Iranian exiles recently like 2012.

And 2012, alert readers will seize, not as far as the 12th century. But this was the case in 2018, and not only with regard to Harper.

Mojahedin-e Khalq, the group in question, often called MEK and also known as Mujahadeen's people, was declared by various governments to be a terrorist group in 1979, when he wanted to overthrow the Shah of Iran, a geopolitical ally of the United States.

The same year, it turned out that someone else overthrew the Shah. Eventually, MEK ceased to be officially described as a terrorist group. It was probably because, over time, he began to talk about overthrowing the Shiite Islamic religious government of Iran, which categorically did not a geopolitical ally of the United States. United.

While Mojahedin-e Khalq does not seem to have repeated the murders and terrorist attacks that she perpetrated in the 1980s, she continues, in all respects, to be a rather unsavory organization that has a strangely sectarian structure. This makes it quite different from the Catholic Church, which by comparison today plays a largely positive role in the whole world.

Given her new status of non-terrorist cult organization she must be stated, Harper is fully entitled to address the MEK gathering in Paris.

It is likely, moreover, that he was well compensated for his acts of hysteria, as MEK is deemed to pay North American political sums in the order of US $ 50,000. to address his rallies for a few minutes. We must all earn our living.

Moreover, the ex-agitated deputy had some company. Candice Bergen, Leader of the House of Conservatives, John Baird, former Harper Foreign Minister, and Judy Sgro, Liberal MP, all took the podium in Paris with him. Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani, confidants of US President Donald Trump, also spoke to the group and posed for photos with Harper and Maryam Rajavi, a leader of the PMOI.

I'm sure it will not bother Harper. say, "Steve Mojahedin." After all, under Harper's leadership in 2006, the Conservative Party of Canada endured the late NDP leader Jack Layton with the sobriquet "Taliban Jack" for Dare to suggest that what was really needed in Afghanistan, it was "a comprehensive peace process … to bring all fighters to the table".

Layton was at best excoriated as naive and the worst traitor. He was charged by the Conservative Rage Machine online with not supporting Canadian soldiers abroad and comforting the people shooting at them.

The Conservatives never apologized and never explained themselves. In the meantime, the world has evolved and even today the US armed forces are cautiously speaking to the Taliban, whom we recognize above all as an important part of a coalition that enjoys considerable support. of the Pashtun ethnic majority of Afghanistan and who will probably come back someday.

This illustrates the argument of Lord Palmerston, twice prime minister of Britain in the nineteenth century, that "nations do not have friends or family". permanent allies, they have only permanent interests "

For the moment, the interests of the United States and those of Mojahedin-e Khalq are aligned, and it is therefore normal that Harper take MEK's money and give them a nice speech about freedom, with a little raised arm, no matter how the feelings that he expressed may have left the leaders of the organization [19659002] Will the day come when it will be acceptable for a Canadian Conservative politician to deliver a speech at a rally for freedom in a beautiful West Capital? put by the Islamic State, better known as ISIS? It may seem improbable right now, but never say never.

There was evidence that Western military forces in Syria wanted to let ISIL fighters go as long as they directed their terrorist attentions against the Syrian regime. -Assad, whom the Americans would like to overthrow. The Russian allies of Assad, in any case, accused the Americans of this, and worse.

Indeed, this could represent a future business opportunity for Harper & Associates – whose spokesman defended Harper's speech on the grounds that he did not approve a MEK government for Iran – for the time when the West has a moment of public disinterestedness in Damascus on the nature and intentions of the IS.

In the meantime, he could be He sits at the meetings of the International Democratic Union, the Right International that he directs

As for the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition it changes its name and place. It seems that no one has been accused of heresy since 1826.

This article also appears on David Climenhaga's blog,

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