Steve Bannon will create the "The Movement" foundation to strengthen the far right across Europe


Former Donald Trump advisor, Steve Bannon, sets up a foundation to spur the spread of extreme right-wing political groups across Europe

The strategist hopes that the # 39, a non-profit organization called "The Movement" will compete with the Open Society. Founded by billionaire George Soros in 1984.

"Soros is great," said Bannon at the site Daily Beast . "He's evil, but he's brilliant."

Since leaving the White House last August, the former editor of Breitbart has met a series of right-wing leaders including Marine Le Pen, Alice Weidel's Alternative for the Germany, Hungarian Viktor Orban and Nigel Farage.

Mr Salvini has announced a census of the country's Roma community and closed its ports to humanitarian ships rescuing migrants off the coast of Libya.

"Italy is the beating heart of modern politics," Mr Bannon said. "If it works there it can work everywhere.

However he said he was "not looking to include any ethno-nationalist parties" after admitting that some right-wing groups may be viewed as "too immigrant focused".

Mr Bannon told the Daily Beast website: “I'd rather reign in hell, than serve in heaven,” paraphrasing John Milton’s Satan in Paradise Lost.

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