Stoning and Firebombing Terror Attacks Continue in Judea and Samaria | The Jewish Press – | Hana Levi Julian | 7 Kislev 5779 – November 14, 2018


Photo Credit: Beitar Security

A bus hit by stones near Beitar Illit in Judea – Jan. 31, 2017

Palestinian Authority terrorists are continuing to attack Israelis in a concerted effort to murder both Jewish and Arab drivers on the roads of Judea and Samaria, using rocks, Molotov badtails (firebombs), live fireworks and sometimes gunfire. On Wednesday, in at least two cases, both Jews and Arabs were targeted across the regions.

An Israeli bus came under a hail of rocks on Wednesday, resulting in a shattered windshield.

Palestinian Authority Arabs had been attacking Israeli vehicles on Wednesday as they traveled through the Al Khader intersection in Judea when the incident took place.

According to a report on the Hebrew-language military 0404 website, no one was physically injured in the attack on the bus.

Earlier in the day, a vehicle driven by an Israeli Arab was hit by a flaming Molotov badtail thrown by Palestinian Authority terrorists at the Jit junction near the Jewish community of Kedumim, in Samaria. The terrorists were hurling the firebombs at pbading Israeli vehicles for some time when the car was struck.

The vehicle was set afire and completely incinerated. Miraculously, the driver and his pbadengers were not physically harmed.

Numerous forces were dispatched to the scene.

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