Suddenly, I heard a boom & # 39;


Building hit by rocket from Gaza to Beer Sheva

Building hit by rocket from Gaza to Beer Sheva

Flash 90

Miri Tamano was praised by politicians and citizens for saving her family's life. In deciding to rush to the bomb shelter Tuesday when the air raid sirens sounded, Tamano's actions spared his family from the Grad missile. who completely destroyed his house.

On Thursday, Tamano recounted the dramatic moments that preceded the blast in an interview with Walla.

"I heard the siren in my sleep.I thought it was a dream.I thought maybe the alarm.I pulled myself together and realized that it was true, "Tamano said. "I immediately ran and told the children:" Run immediately to the shelter. "As soon as everyone came in, I closed the door."

"We did not even sit down when we heard a big" boom. "I understood that it was by us, but I did not want to tell the kids that it was with me. Yedidya burst into tears and said: "Mother is in our house." So I told her what? You're my magic group and no one will separate us. I told them to We sat down for a few minutes, kissing all three of them and kissing their heads, "continued Tamano.

"Yedidya m asked," Now we will not have a house? "I told him that everything was fine, that there was no need to worry, they cried, and I told them that it was useless to cry, we we were in good health and all was well. "

Tamano's home was directly hit by a 20-kilogram Grad rocket, which completely destroyed the structure. Tamano and her three children were treated for shock after the rocket landed next to their house, but were saved from much more serious injuries as Tamano rushed the family into a specially fortified shelter.

Tamano, however, said his actions were the standard fare for all parents.

"I do not feel like a hero," Tamano told Walla. I think it's our obligation to watch over them … I'm a little agitated. A miracle has happened and it is the most important thing. "

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