Swiss Ambassador issues lukewarm apology to Jews in Hebron after activist slapped child "J-Wire



Home / News / Swiss ambbadador launches lukewarm apology to Jews in Hebron after activist slapped child

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The Swiss ambbadador presented Friday an apology to the Jewish community of Hebron in Judea, two days after a Swiss citizen. 39, a group of observers from the radical left slapped a 10-year-old Jew.

Israeli flags decorate the 2,000-year-old Tomb of Machpelah complex in Hebron in anticipation of Yom Ha's atzmaut. The same Herodian masonry is used for the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Photo by Yishai Fleisher

A member of the Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH) attacked the boy, who had approached the group while he was organizing a tour organized by the controversial organization Breaking the Silence, who criticized the group. Israeli Defense Forces

The man entered the Jewish neighborhood of Tel Rumeida in violation of TIPH's mandate and set off a confrontation with local residents during the badault.

In response, Jean-Daniel Ruch, the Swiss ambbadador to Israel, stated that he had "no doubt" that the "settlers" had led "some provocation", but that "the members of the TIPH were waiting for them to keep their nerves under all circumstances and that" the interested Swiss leaves the country today "

TIPH, which maintains a presence in Hebron since 1997, citing as mission "to promote by their presence a sense of security for the Palestinians of Hebron."

80% of the city is controlled by the Palestinian Authority, the Local Jewish residents have decried the organization's practice of wandering in Hebron and filming the movements of soldiers and residents, interfering in IDF security operations and attempting to influence the politics and policies. Israeli policies.] JNS

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