Syria: Assad says next priority is to resume Idlib: Russian media


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad told Russian media on Thursday that his regime's next priority would be to take over the Idlib province, currently dominated by rebels and jihadists.

"Now Idlib is our goal, but not just Idlib," said Assad from the northwestern province, in comments published on Russian newswires. "There are of course territories in the eastern part of Syria groups … so we will move to all these regions," Assad added.

"The military – and that's at their discretion – will decide priorities and Idlib is one of those priorities," he said.

"Now we have released the Ghouta, we will end the liberation of the south-" Syrian government forces launched an offensive last month backed by Russian planes to retake southern Syria, including the provinces of Daraa and from Quneitra.

Russia, Turkey and Iran held talks as part of the Astana peace process launched last year and agreed to create four zones of "de-escalation" to open the way to a national ceasefire.

Idlib is part of this area. It borders Turkey to the northwest, but is almost completely surrounded by regime territory, raising fears that the government will eventually attack it.

Idlib received many rebels and their families evacuated from other regions under reconciliation agreements negotiated by Russia. According to the United Nations, the population of Idlib today stands at 2.5 million – half of them being displaced persons.

The south of Syria, where Assad forces took control of the rebel through intense fighting, was also a "de-escalation" area agreed last year by the United States, Russia and Jordan.

Russia supported Assad forces in the south, thus breaking the agreement that she had signed with Russia and Jordan.

In the same interview, Assad stated that the White Helmets first responders would be killed if they did not surrender.

 Amer ALMOHIBANY (AFP / Dossier)

"Either they can lay down their weapons under an ongoing amnesty for four or five years, or they will be liquidated as n & # 39; Any other terrorist, "he said. 422 white Syrian rescuers and their families from the besieged south of the country and Jordan at the request of the United States and European countries.

"At the request of the United States, Canada and the European States, Israel has finished a humanitarian service The spokesperson of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Emmanuel Nahshon, tweeted.

The demand came as the Civil defense volunteers were threatened by the advancing Syrian forces, regime in the war-ravaged South. "After a directive from the Israeli government and at the request of the United States and other countries European troops, the Israeli army recently completed a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civilian organization and their families, "said the army in a statement, 19659002]" Civilians were evacuated of the war zone in southern Syria because of an immediate threat to their lives, "the army added, adding that they had" been subsequently transferred to a neighboring country. " "stay trapped in the south, fearing retaliation for the approach of the regime's troops. Damascus accuses White Helmets of being a front for jihadists.

Assad also called on Syrian refugees, especially those who had their own businesses in the country, to return.

The war has killed more than 350,000 people since it began in 2011 with a brutal government crackdown on protesters

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