Syrian Druze bury dead as anger over Islamic State attacks grows


AMMAN (Reuters) – Syria's government-held city of Sweida on Thursday buried dozens of its inhabitants who were killed by a day in which they were attacked. said.

Druze Uninvited Druze Injured Druze Injured Druze Injured Druze Injured Druze in Lebanon, Syria and Israel.

Coffins of victims draped in Syrian and Druze flags had been brought to the city by the city to pay homage to the victims in the city.

Anger over President Bashar al-Assad's authorities perceived failure to warn the dawn of the storms to prevent the governor of the province, Amer al Ashi, and representatives of the government from attending the funeral.

Many residents blamed the authorities of negligence while others questioned how dozens of militants could descend from areas of free radicals and militants in Sweida city and mayhem in the city.

"The governor was kicked out with people blaming the authorities for failing to act," said one resident Alaa Muqaled.

Many local vigilante groups set up checkpoints across the city as fears persisted of renewed attacks.

The attack took place as government forces backed by intensive Russian aerial attacks were battling the militants in an enclave to the west near the Golan border and the border with Jordan.

Fueling the anger was a perceived lack of local leadership when local villagers confronted the militants, according to two residents.

State media said the military had intervened and battled the militants and waged aerial strikes on fleeing militants.

Many Community Leaders and Top Druze Religious Leaders' Denial to Sanction Enlistment in the Army Forces Had Long Causes Strangers with the Damascus authorities.

A Russian military delegation that had recently visited Sweida and asked community leaders to sanction local militias in a Russian-backed offensive in southwestern Syria to regain rebel held territory had refused, a Druze official familiar with the matter said.

Sweida 's Druze are neighbors to mainly Sunni Deraa province and have long resisted being drawn into the Syrian conflict that pits mainly Sunni rebels opposed to Assad' rule.

A handful of suicide bombers on motorbikes went on a rampant reminiscent of some of the group's bloodiest attacks during the time of their power when they swathed off Iraq.

One suicide bomber blew himself in a vegetable market as vendors were poised to sell their produce while others were killed before they could detonate their bombs.

Residents cite horror stories of families mbadacred by the ultra-hardline Sunni fundamentalists at least 20 years ago, and others still unaccounted for.

Witnesses said the militants had quietly at dawn knocked at doors of homes where they knew names of occupants in what local villagers suspected was help from local bedouin.

Several bodies of civilians were found some of the villages that the militants had overrun, they said.

Fueling tensions have been reported to the ultra-hardline jihadists who have been attacking the country only after they have been allowed to leave their homes. Damascus pockets.

Some Bedouin also want revenge for the role of Druze militias played in their villages in Lajat after they were recently taken over by an army offensive to rebel rebel held southern Syria.

Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi

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