Syrians fleeing fighting to Israeli border fence, says IDF official


An army official in charge of providing badistance to southern Syria said that predictions of Syrian leader Bashar al Assad in recent weeks, he did not expect a large number of refugees from Syria

"Syrians will not run to the fence," said the official, who remained unnamed due to security reasons in a phone briefing, Times of Israel reported. "First of all, we will not allow it. Second, there is a big, big difference between getting help from Israel, getting treated in Israel, and coming to live in Israel. "

As fighting has intensified in Syria's south, Israel has braced its northern border after anticipating tens of thousands of Syrian civilians fleeing the hostilities

The military official added that the army had entered the Israeli border, setting up camps in nearby villages.

"We have seen displaced people [setting up] camps near the Israeli border. It is not to the border, it's villages near the border, "said the official adding that they were close to a mile from Israel's security fence.


Earlier reports and research Israel officials, including the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, have firmly stated that it was possible for them to obtain asylum in Israel.

While Israel is in the process of helping the Syrian civilians in Israel, they will not take in the refugees, but will continue in humanitarian efforts.

Since June 19, the Syrian regime, backed by its ally Russia, has carried out Jordan and the Israeli Golan Heights.

Earlier on Sunday, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

The move is being viewed as a warning by Israel to Assad's forces in the fight against Israel's borders.

 Mohamad ABAZEED (AFP)

] The IDF said that the deployment of the Golan Heights in response to a "situation badessment" by the army's Northern Command and "part of the IDF's efforts to remain prepared and ready for the Syrian Golan Heights, adjacent to Israel's border. "

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman held talks with Russian counterpart Sergei Shoygu over Iran's military presence in the war-ravaged country.

During the Sunday meeting, Liberman is said to have warned his counterpart that Israel would act against any military action by Iran or Hezbollah, Ynet News reported.

Syria's southern border is a prion region for nearly all Jordan and the Israel, while also lying in the proximity of Damascus.

As of Saturday, government forces controlled more than half of Daraa province, up from just 30 percent at the

See also:

The United States of America Calls on the United States of Israel regime troops near border: report

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