TA-Jerusalem link poses scheduling conflicts for Israeli railways


Despite yesterday's approval of the change in the Israeli Railways' calendar, the Minister of Transport and Intelligence, Yisrael Katz, today ordained Dan Harel, President of Israel Railways , not to suppress or reduce rail service to Karmiel.

Israel Yesterday, the railways presented changes in their schedules as part of the operation of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem high-speed train. These changes included a reduction in rail service to Karmiel pending the arrival of additional rail cars and locomotives for the Israel Railways. The amendments were approved by the Ministry of Transport and the Minister in order to meet the deadline for the operation of the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem line before the Sukkot holiday.

"The railroad to Jerusalem is a national project of paramount importance for strengthening Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, and everything must be done to get it going, while connecting the areas peripheral Galilee and Negev to the center, including the railroad to Karmiel, is an important goal "Katz said:

Katz is responsible for the introduction of the first railway to Karmiel and areas In the north and south, he vetoed plans to suspend the railway in Karmiel, the Jezreel Valley train and other railway lines in remote areas now the high-speed train to Jerusalem after many years of delay. "

Posted by Globes [online] Israel Economic News – www.globes-online.com – July 31, 2018

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