The 3D printing focus to produce a comic-con wheelchair suit for young Star Wars fans


A Mbadivit 1800 3D printer was used to produce a Dameron X-Wing Poe wheelchair suit for a young Star Wars fan to wear at Comic-Con International, San Diego

Magic Wheelchair a non-profit organization that offers custom-made suits to children who use free wheelchairs, has collaborated with many companies to design and manufacture the costume of Vedant Singhania 13. Charity hosted contributions from Pixologic Inc who designed and modeled the costume; Dangling Carrot Creative who printed the costume in 3D with materials donated by Mbadivit 3D ; and Monster City Studios who finished and badembled the printed components

Dangling Creative Carrot printed 50 individual pieces in just over two weeks, exploiting the high print speed and the heads of Double printing of the Mbadivit machine. Together, the 50 pieces form a suit of 2.44 m high and 3m long.

"We connected with Magic Wheelchair realizing that our modeling technology and expertise could help them with the incredible work they do for kids, wheelchairs," says Paul Gaboury, Product Development Manager. 3D at Pixologic. "After designing the costume, Dangling Carrot Creative was the last piece of the puzzle. The company has given us the opportunity to 3D print full-size parts to eliminate the need for molds or molding, saving a lot of time and money. "

" With our customers like Dangling Carrot, we are constantly discovering new and exciting applications that can be implemented with our 3D printing solutions for the entertainment market, "commented Avner Israeli, CEO of Mbadivit 3D. "This project has been an extraordinary opportunity to test the true value of our technology and to put the young Vedant in the spotlight for the right reasons. There is nothing more wonderful than bringing joy to a child. "

The costume was presented to Vedant at Comic-Con International last Saturday, which was overwhelmed by his new outfit and the reaction of the other participants: to breathe in. I did not expect the costume to be so big and I'm glad it's an X-Wing Fighter because I like Star Wars.I was really excited during the parade.I was so happy because everyone was taking me into This made me feel like a celebrity. "

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