The bill on the death penalty for terrorists by Netanyahu okays


Netanyahu speaks with Bennett in the Knesset

Netanyahu speaks with Bennett in the Knesset


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has agreed to a law that would make it easier for the courts to convict terrorists convicted of murder.

While Israel has a law authorizing the death penalty, no execution has taken place in the Jewish state since the execution in 1962 of the Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann.

According to the legislation in force, the death penalty can only be imposed by unanimous decision. But a bill proposed by Defense Minister Yisrael Beytenu's party, Avigdor Liberman, would remove this obligation and give civil and military courts the power to execute terrorists convicted of murder with only a simple majority of judges sitting in court. .

The bill pbaded its preliminary vote in January, but has remained in legislative limbo ever since.

On Sunday, Netanyahu supported the bill, Kan reported Monday morning, at a meeting with the coalition leaders.

The head of the Jewish community and Education Minister Naftali Bennett has reportedly asked the prime minister to push forward the death penalty bill, prompting Netanyahu to approve the law.

The bill is expected to be reviewed by the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee chaired by Nissan Home Jewish MP Nissan Slomiansky in the coming days to prepare the bill for its first reading at the Knesset.

The European Union has condemned this proposal, calling the death penalty "inhuman and degrading".

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