The commando rabbi of the IDF was not joking about rebuilding the temple | The Jewish Press – | JNi.Media | 27 Tammuz 5778 – July 9, 2018


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Letter from an IDF Commando Rabbi about Tisha B & Av.

Captain Rabbi Avrumi Levin: "In case the Temple would be rebuilt, consider this document [Tisha B’Av] null and void."

Next week is Tisha B & Av, the National Day of Mourning of the People Jewish. It is the day the Jewish people fast and cry for the long list of tragedies that have struck the Jewish nation over the millennia, especially the destruction of the two temples in Jerusalem.

It is not uncommon to hear that they will read Megilat Eichah (Wailing Book) at this or that place, unless the Machia & # 39; h (Messiah) do not come first or the Temple is rebuilt – like most rabbinic opinions, Tisha B 'Av will probably be canceled as a day of mourning when that happens, or at least, many practices will change.

The Rabbi of the IDF Special Commando Unit is no exception

Captain Rabbi Avrumi Levin sent his Ticha Be Ava (Jewish law) He added at the end of his letter: "At Should the Temple be rebuilt, consider this document as null and void. "

Like when the Temple will be rebuilt, the l Needless to say, Uri Misgav, a writer for the far left Ha? aretz, found offensive and religiously coercive that the good rabbi would consider the rebuilding of the church. Jewish Temple a reasonable possibility. On his Facebook post, Misgav writes that he actually considers this option scary.

Uri Misgav, scared, checks with the IDF spokesman, who tells Misgav that the line is written in jest

But even the youngest Jewish religious child knows, the line has not been Written as a joke, it's a halakhic fact – when the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt, the current laws and practices of Tisha B'Av, including the guidelines in this particular document of the IDF, will become null and void.

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