"The Durham Group Protests Against Immigration Policies :: WRAL.com


By Kasey Cunningham, WRAL Reporter

Durham, NC – Members of the Jewish community were in Durham on Saturday night, taking a stand against the immigration policies that they describe as 39; unfair.

In the Jewish community, Tisha B & Av is the day on the calendar to mourn the destruction of Jewish temples and Saturday evening, Carolina Jews for Justice observed Tisha Be Av by organizing a march and ceremony at the palace of Durham justice to protest the immigration policies that separate families at the border. Those who observe Tisha B'Av said that there are many similarities between what the Jewish community experienced centuries ago and what immigrants are experiencing today.

"This is not a distant link to know that right now, a Jewish community in North Carolina is living today, there is a community of people that is being destroyed. Families are torn apart and people are forced into expulsion and exile, "said Dove Kent at the Carolina Jews for Justice.

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Kent said that the services of Tisha B & Av North Carolina and many choose to call for a reform of the family. immigration during the course of the observation. Tisha B & Av is observed until Sunday and the groups plan to return to the courthouse then.

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