The electricity crisis leaves Iraqis breathless


While the sweltering heat of summer sends Iraqis in search of cool areas, restaurateur Ali Hussein provides a sanctuary – even if it means that one has to hook up to an expensive generator [19659002]. , which relies on the reputation of ensuring that guests are constantly bombarded by air conditioning.

Outside, temperatures at this time of year can reach 50 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit), which raises demand for electricity. is unable to cope, leaving business owners – and the few citizens who can afford it – to be paid by private providers.

Hussein forges 225,000 dinars ($ 190) a month to the owner of a generator for a 15-amp power supply at his Baghdad restaurant

It's the option of "d & #" 39; gold ", guaranteed to work without interruption

But the cost is higher than that of some Iraqis.

And for most citizens, there is little abate ev

We only have "four or five hours of electricity" a day from the national power grid, explained at the grocer Mouthanna Mehdi AFP

Anger over electricity shortages caused deadly disturbances. July

At least 14 people were killed in street protests that began in the oil-rich Basra town on July 8 and spread to other areas, including Baghdad.


– Winners and losers –

Like Hussein, Mehdi earns enough to pay for electricity from a generator.

But he can afford only a five-amp power supply

"It's not enough to power all the lights and air conditioning at the same time," he said

" Sometimes the generators break down or shut down they are running out of fuel, which can damage our electrical appliances, "adds the 40-year-old.

Generators are regularly installed in the streets of Baghdad and in other areas. other large cities, often hastily set up by small contractors to exploit the summer demand

Tangles of wires come out of the devices, disfiguring the city and sometimes causing electric fires

But as in any crisis, there are winners and losers.

If the power situation is resolved, we would lose our job, "said Hussein Kazem, who sells fuel to owners of generators. [19659021] – "Lies and theft" –

According to experts, the supply of electricity drops by at least 40% in the summer [19659002] And a substantial part of the approximately $ 40 billion allocated to the sector electricity in the last 15 years has disappeared.


Pockets of corrupt politicians and businessmen who faced false contracts

In a bid to suppress the protests, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi sacked Sunday the Minister of electricity Qasim al-Fahdawi

Fahdawi was the architect of a privatization program. was intended to announce electricity 2 4 hours a day

Iraqis say the project worked well for a few months in areas where it was tested

But as soon as the summer heat arrived, the Power cuts have multiplied once again.

They have increased electricity production by almost 50% to 17,000 megawatts since 2014.

Ordinary Iraqis are skeptical about this figure

"All this is lies and theft "says Mazen, who fixes the generators and does not want to give his full name.

"The rulers divert money and hide it abroad, and when they say that the situation improves, you can be sure that they are lying," he said. he says. [ad_2]
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