The Episcopal Church Rejects Israel's Divestment Measure – Breaking Israel News


"Divestment will not move us forward an inch in the peace process, it will not end the occupation, it will not lead us to the solution for which we all aspire. know two states living side by side in peace within secure boundaries, "said retired Bishop Ed Little of the diocese of northern Indiana, one of six bishops The resolution before the vote, Episcopal News Service reported.

While Episcopalians stopped the divestment measure, five other critical resolutions of Israel were pbaded Thursday by the Chamber of Deputies regarding "the treatment of Palestinian children, Israel is using lethal force against unarmed Palestinians, the apartheid system between Israelis and Palestinians, Israeli laws that deprive Palestinians of civil rights, and the ability of US companies to boycott to protest Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories ", according to the Episcopal News Service

However, these resolutions met a mixed reaction in the House of Bishops;

The American Jewish Committee congratulated the Episcopalians in their decision.

"The disinvestment against Israel has been dismissed as useless for advancing the role of the Episcopal Church towards peace for Israelis and Palestinians," said Soloff. Deputy Director of Interfaith Relations and Intergroups of AJC. "While we congratulate the Episcopal Church for this rejection, we are concerned about unbalanced anti-Israeli resolutions across several highly problematic resolutions."

The Bishops' Church movement to reject the disengagement comes a few weeks after the Presbyterian Church of the United States has anti-Israeli resolutions, while expressing their support for the BDS movement at its general badembly in St. Louis

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