The EU warns that a state law bill could harm Israeli democracy


Giaufret denounced Thursday after the broadcast of the television channel "Channel 2" that he had urged parliamentarians not to support the Knesset bill, which codifies the idea that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu then summoned Giaufret to the Foreign Ministry, who reprimanded him on Friday. No further action has been taken

Giaufret has issued a general response to the media on the issue in which he said that all diplomats discuss a wide range of issues with their country 's. welcome, including with the politicians of these countries. The Jewish state's bill appeared occasionally as part of these regular discussions "with Israeli parliamentarians," he said.

"How Israel chooses to define itself is an internal matter for Israel, and we respect the ongoing internal debate." Says Giaufret, "We appreciate Israel's attachment to the shared values ​​of Democracy and human rights, which characterize our long-standing and fruitful relationship, we in the EU would not want these values ​​to be questioned or even threatened. 39, equality, including equal rights for minorities, are key values ​​that define our societies, "said Mr. Giaufret

" Respect for human rights and fundamental principles is a key element of the EU-Israel partnership 19659002] "We have never used derogatory language in general and certainly not to define the bills under discussion in the Knesset," he added.

The EU is increasingly disagreeing with Israel on s activities in the West Bank and Gaza. its construction of settlements and its demolition of illegal Palestinian structures in zone C.

The EU also urged Israel not to demolish the camp, located on the edge of Kfar Adumim settlement, a short distance away from Jerusalem.

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