The ex-justice Joubran: the law of the nation-state should be annulled – Israel News


Salim Joubran, former vice president of the Supreme Court, warned Tuesday in a radio interview that the new nation-state law would strengthen discrimination against Arab society, saying "the law is bad, superfluous, and without honor to the Israeli law books. "

Joubran, an Arab, attacked the law as racist. In an interview with the Reshet Bet of the radio, he said that he hoped that the High Court of Justice would consider invalidating it, adding that he would definitely dismiss it if it was on the bench now.

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"After the adoption of the nation-state law, I could no longer restrain myself and keep quiet," Joubran said in the interview. "There is not a single word on equality in law.The right to equality is one of the most important fundamental rights in all countries of the democratic world, and that should have been the case in our country too – but to my great regret, it did not happen. "

Joubran added: "Apparently, they do not know that Arab society in Israel has suffered for years from discrimination in many aspects of life and gross inequalities." He listed many areas in which the Arab population suffers from inequality: education, housing, unemployment among Arab academics and the problems of resources and infrastructure.

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"The law of the nation-state will add to the discrimination that exists in everyday life," said Joubran. "At one point, they said that Arab society is a burden to the state, and this is not true." He added, "Today Arab society is an badet to the country and could be an important part of its economic growth, the government had to consider this society properly, treat it properly and grant it its rights."

Joubran continued: "We thought that now, finally, an important basic law would come and that the state would bring equality, but apparently our leaders and some MPs have forgotten or ignored many things." He argued that the law ignores the Declaration of Independence: "He says there that the Arabs of the country should have full rights, how can they ignore such a document?"

Joubran added that legislators ignored Bible sources, and the words of the great leaders of the Jewish people. Quoting the Bible, he said, "And you will love abroad because you were strangers in the land of Egypt", how is it possible to ignore all these things as if they are not? Had never been told?

Joubran also noted the blow to the status of Arabic in the law of the nation-state. "Can any one explain to me what is the brilliant idea of ​​the definition" a language with a special status "? I believe the situation will remain the same, but the intention behind the decline of status of the language [from that of a ‘national language’] is to strike the very heart of the Arab public.

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