The Google "Files Go" app hits 30 million users and turns into "Files", Marketing and Advertising News, AND BrandEquity


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Google has renamed and redesigned its Smartphone "Files Go" memory de-encumbering application, which also helps users find files faster and share them with others even without an Internet connection.

"We are changing the application to" Google Files "and we have redesigned the user experience to make sure that the content of your mobile phone is the priority when you use the application," said Koji Pereira, UX manager, to the next billion users, wrote Google. in a blog post on Thursday.

The search engine giant noted that the application had served more than 30 million monthly users worldwide since its launch, regardless of their mobile or Internet speed.

With the new design in place, once a user deletes the files that he / she no longer needs, the application will now indicate which use the released space can be used – that it's enough to take a few more selfies or to download an entire movie, added Pereira.

The app was launched last December to solve file and storage management issues for the next generation of smartphone users in countries such as India, Brazil and Nigeria, helping users to make the most of phone storage capabilities.

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