The governing body of Labor UK adopts a new code of conduct on anti-Semitism


The National Executive Committee of the British Labor Party approved a new code of conduct on anti-Semitism

The Code, established as a result of intense controversy over allegations of prejudice that saw Jewish groups protest in Parliament earlier this year. explicitly states that "anti-Semitism is racism. This is unacceptable in our party and in society in general. "

But he insists that criticism of the state of Israel and its policies should not automatically be considered anti-Semitic, and specifies that even the" contentious "comments on this issue" Will not be treated as an anti-Semitism if it is not accompanied by a specific anti-Semitic content … or other evidence of anti-Semitic intent. "

" The party will encourage thoughtful and respectful debate on these difficult topics, but will not tolerate The new code of conduct – developed in response to a key recommendation of the 2016 Chakrabarti report on anti-Semitism – endorses the Labor's definition of work. Anti-Semitism Established by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

It includes a list of behaviors that may be considered anti-Semitic, derived from the IHRA's own examples, including the call to the mbadacre Re minds on a Jewish conspiracy or control of the media and the economy, denial of the Holocaust or "blood libel".

Exclusive to LBC: Labor's new guidelines on anti-Semitism.

Key paragraphs:

7). Contentious opinions will not be treated as anti-Semitism unless … anti-Semitic intent is demonstrated.

9). Labor adopts only seven of IHRA's 11 examples of anti-Semitism.

– Theo Usherwood (@theousherwood) 5 July 2018

But the job list is likely to cause more controversy because it omits four behaviors identified as anti – Semitic by the IHRA, including:

– Accusing the Jewish people to be more loyal to Israel than its native country;

– Asserting that Israel's existence as a state is a racist enterprise

– Demanding Israel's higher standards of behavior than other nations ; and

– Comparing contemporary Israeli politics to that of the Nazis.

The Labor document – obtained by LBC radio – indicates that it is not always clear whether certain words or actions are anti-Semitic, with a "particular difficulty" the relationship between the l & # 39; anti-Semitism and criticism of the state of Israel.

He says that the party "is clear that the Jewish people have the same right to self-determination as any other people" and that denying that right is a

But he says the debate about the circumstances of the foundation of the Israeli state and its impact on the Palestinian people "is a legitimate part of modern political discourse".

However, he points out that "one must be careful when discussing these topics", insisting that it is wrong to hold Jews in general responsible for state actions Israeli or demand that they be more vehement than others to condemn

The document says that it is not anti-Semitic to refer to Zionism or Zionists in the debate on the situation in the Middle East, but he warns that it is "not allowed" to use Zionist or "zio" as ""

Although the list of anti-Semitic behavior banned does not include the act of accusing Jews of being more loyal to Israel and the Jewish interests in the world than their original states, the code states that it is "He advises Labor members that the use of Hitlerian, Nazi and Holocaust metaphors and comparisons in the discussion about Israel and the Pales stiniens "is likely to be considered prejudicial or seriously prejudicial to the party".

– Press Association

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