The inhabitants of Tiberias prepare for the major earthquake


Residents of the northern city of Tiberias fear that a major earthquake is about to strike in the region following a series of earthquakes and tremors.
It happened last week.

Last week, a former IDF colonel who served in the Home Front Command warned
that a major earthquake is expected to spread across Israel in the near future and urged the general public to follow the advice of the authorities and to prepare accordingly.

"Until now, we knew that there was a threat from our enemies in the north and south.Now we found out that we also had enemies underground," said one inhabitant of the locality.

Mayor Yossi Ben David, along with the commander of the North Front Domestic Front, Colonel Itzik Bar and other IDF officers, visited the areas damaged by the latest earthquake.

<img src = "" border = "0" width = "640" hm = "1" wibbitz = "embed-main-image" title = "(Photo: King Rubinstein)" alt = "(Photo: King Rubinstein)

(photo: King Rubinstein)

In Tiberias, four information stations have was set up for local residents, the municipality opened a hotline for victims of PTSD and Amidar teams and The municipality began repairing and upgrading the damaged infrastructure.

Engineering teams have already started work on the damaged property and will be joined by additional reinforcements from the Home Front Command, under an agreement between the municipality and the IDF.

   (Photo: Avihu Shapira)

(Photo: Avihu Shapira)

The buildings, along the two most severely damaged streets, are covered with plaster and paint on the exterior walls, as well as multiple cracks in the infrastructure.

A building was so damaged that three families had to leave their apartment.

"Our building was damaged by the earthquake," said 37-year-old Slava Kulishko, who immigrated to Israel more than 20 years ago with her mother and moved to a new residential neighborhood. project at Tiberias.

"The cracks in the walls of our building have widened following recent earthquakes, I have the impression of living here by borrowing time because everyone says that a major tremor Land is coming in. It's time to upgrade and quickly, because the buildings will collapse if they do not, "Kulishko said.

   (Photo: King Rubinstein)

(Photo: King Rubinstein)

"I do not understand how strengthening infrastructure against earthquakes is not at the top of the priorities of a country that is preparing for it," he said. he continued.

"It's absurd that the state is investing billions in the Iron Dome, the ASPRO-A, and the David's Sling, but that does not compare to the damage of one's own. earthquake.In all the wars combined, Israel did not have the number of casualties and wounded as we will in an earthquake.If I had an option, I would have moved away "What will help this city? God? I doubt it exists," Kulishko exclaimed.

   (Photo: Avihu Shapira)

(Photo: Avihu Shapira)

Slava's neighbor, Miriam Fahima, told Ynet that after the wave of shaking, her husband was too scared to enter the house, spending several hours outside fearing that Another earthquake did not occur.

"We really felt the earthquake, I saw on the ground floor and I was lucky enough to be able to escape outside in a few seconds, but I felt the trembling all over my body.I was asleep when the earthquake of yesterday happened and my husband tried to wake me up so we could escape outside.We are scared and worried because that our building is not stable, "explained Miriam.

Jacob Frisch, a local resident, also talked about his fears of living in the area.

   (Photo: King Rubinstein)

(Photo: King Rubinstein)

"Only last year, we renovated here because we fear that a major earthquake will occur."

The last earthquake caused a crack in one of the walls of his children's room. Since parents are afraid that an air conditioner will fall on one of the beds, children are forced to sleep in the living room.

"I told them to sleep in the living room because it is also closer to the front door and it will be easier to escape during an earthquake," Irena added. Jacob's daughter.

According to the family, they prepared a bag with water, first aid and a flashlight, which they keep near the front door, in case they would obliged to leave in the middle of the night. .

"At every earthquake, we hear noises coming from inside the walls … which makes us very nervous, the kind of sounds that signal the end." We feel at risk in our My friend even told me to sleep with Kabanos sausages under the bed, so we would have something to eat in case we were stuck here, "concluded Irena.

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