The Iranian currency continues its record fall while the American sanctions


The Iranian currency reached a new record on Sunday, raising 100,000 rials to the US dollar as the Iranians prepare for August 7 when Washington is expected to reimpose a first batch of economic sanctions.

In May, the United States withdrew
of a 2015 agreement between the world powers and Tehran under which international sanctions were lifted in exchange for the reduction of its nuclear program.

  Iranian Currency Reaches New Record (Photo: AP)

Iranian Currency Reaches New Historic Record (Photo: AP)

Washington has decided to reimpose sanctions on its withdrawal, accusing Iran of Iran to pose a threat to security. He told countries that they must stop Iranian oil imports as of November 4 or face US financial measures.

On Sunday, the rial plunged to 112,000 on the unofficial market, down from 97,500 rials on Saturday, according to the exchange website. Other sites indicated that the dollar was traded between 108,500 and 116,000 rials.

The rial has lost about half of its value since April because of the weak economy, the financial difficulties of local banks and the high demand for dollars among Iranians who fear the effects of sanctions.

The central bank accused the "enemies" of falling money and a rapid rise in the price of gold coins and the judiciary said that 29 people had been arrested for charges punishable by death.

"Recent developments in the forex and gold markets are largely due to a conspiracy by enemies to exacerbate economic problems and to worry the public", said the central bank.

The spokesman of the judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, said on state television: "29 people have been arrested for economic disruption and will soon be tried … Others could be arrested tonight and tomorrow. "

  Iranians protest against economic sanctions (Photo: AP)

Iranians protest against economic sanctions (Photo: AP)

"Many of them are accused of" spreading the corruption on earth, "said Ejei, referring to a major violation of Islamic laws in Iran.

In addition to falling currencies, the expected return of sanctions triggered street protests, including from bazaar traders who are generally loyal to Islamist leaders, and a public outcry over alleged profits and corruption.

On Saturday, Ejei said that 18 people had been arrested for allegedly profiting from foreign exchange transactions and illegal importation of luxury cars.

US President Donald Trump has called the agreement one of the worst deals ever negotiated, but in an attempt to rescue
agreement, the European partners of Iran in the agreement prepare a set of economic measures.

  From left to right: The leaders of Germany, Russia, the United States, Iran, Britain and France (Photo: AP, AFP, EPA , GPO)

France (Photo: AP, AFP, EPA, GPO)

But France said this month that it was unlikely that the European powers could put the package together until November.

On August 7, Washington will reimpose sanctions on the purchase of US dollars by Iran, its gold and precious metals trade and its transactions with metals, coal and software industrial.

Penalties will also be applied to US imports of Iranian carpets and food products and certain related financial transactions.

Iran's oil exports could fall by more than two-thirds by the end of the year as a result of sanctions, which would weigh on oil markets in the event of a blackout. Supply elsewhere.

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