The Israeli army strikes the terrorist cell of the balloon in Gaza; border crossing can not be reopened | Jns


According to Palestinian reports, six people were wounded in the Israeli strike, two of them seriously.

On Sunday, incendiary devices launched from Gaza caused two brush fires in Israeli territory. An incendiary balloon that caused no damage was also found in an open area near a community in the Eshkol region, in southern Israel.

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot visited the place where Sgt. Aviv Levi was shot dead on Friday at the Gaza border. Eizenkot held a briefing with the GOC Southern Command, the Gaza Division Commander and other senior officers in the area.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman also visited the Gaza border on Sunday and participated in security badessments at the Kerem Shalom border crossing.

He said that Israel would reopen the crossing – the main commercial crossing of Gaza – and extend Gaza fishing permits on Tuesday if the lull of cross-border tensions persisted.

"The key is zero incendiary balloons, zero friction on the fence and zero rockets or shootings." Gazans must understand that as long as there are incendiary balloons and fires on our side, on their side life will not return to normal, "added Lieberman.

Israel closed the Kerem Shalom border terminal fishing area 11 kilometers (9 miles) of 17 kilometers (9 miles) on July 9 in response to incendiary kites and balloons thrown across the border to trigger fires in Israel as part of weeks of border demonstrations. Tomorrow we will see the continuation of the situation as it was yesterday, then Tuesday, we will resume the routine activity here at Kerem Shalom [border terminal] and bring back the fishing area to the previously established litters ", said Lieberman.

If the launch of the balloon on Sunday would prevent the Minister of Defense to reopen the terminal

During the closure of the terminal, humanitarian aid was still allowed, although Lieberman said the traffic went from 1 1,000 to 1,100 trucks a day

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