The Italian Giuseppe Conte will meet Trump in Washington


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ROME – Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is a soft-spoken law professor who is in keeping with his scenario. remarks and savor his low profile. It shows less bravado and holds much less power than other foreign leaders who have managed to win the admiration of President Trump, such as Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

But Conte runs a government that is anything but unobtrusive – composed of anti-establishment forces that close the door to migrants, challenging the basic rules of Italy's relationship with Europe and Europe. getting closer to Russia. [19659007InconsequencyConteerTrumponttrainonthereinrightcounterprobableandprovideexperiencedemploymentintotheAtlanticatatimewhenotherWesternEuropeangovernmentsjoinedtheBankHousewithanxietyandconsternation

Trump has long-standing alliances impose tariffs, denigrate political decisions in Germany and Britain, and reprimand the allies of the United States. NATO for their military expenses. He called the European Union "enemy" of trade.

But when it comes to Italy, Trump was particularly complimentary, calling Conte a "very good guy" and opting for a meeting with the Prime Minister in Washington, scheduled for Monday.

"He'll do a good job – the Italians did well!" Trump told Conte on Twitter in June, after the two men met at a group summit Sept.

Tale recited, posting a smiling photo of the two leaders on his official Facebook page. "Historical alliance, new friendship," wrote Conte

A month later, at another grudging summit, Trump still saw parallels with Conte

"I've probably won, at least partially , an election because of immigration ". said at a press conference at NATO headquarters. "Giuseppe, whom I've known pretty well over the last month and a half, has won his election because of immigration policies in Italy."

In fact, Conte became the Italian leader not by winning elections but because of a coalition agreement between two anti-establishment political parties. The far-right League and the politically more amorphous Five Star Movement both had leaders aspiring to become prime ministers. As a compromise in the formation of a joint government, they snatched Conte – which had already been exploited by the Five Star Movement as a potential minister – in the ranks of the academic world. He had no political experience. He had almost no public profile. For most of his life he had been a center-left voter. Suddenly, he was in charge of the first populist government in Western Europe

. Part of the Italian government's DNA looks like Trump's. Matteo Salvini, Italian Minister of the Interior and the dominant personality of the government, is a social media regular who talks about "false news", fired migrants and uses the slogan "Italians first". Salvini attended a Trump rally in Pennsylvania two years ago, and he said in a recent Washington Post interview that he enjoyed following up on Trump's promises, such as the relocation of the US Embbady. United States in Israel in Jerusalem

. end of May, declared that they had no intention of leaving the common currency of Europe. But their spending plans, which have yet to be implemented, could provoke a conflict with the European Union on the rules of fiscal restraint. Italy has also voiced concerns over European sanctions against Russia, saying that they have hurt Italian companies. When Trump in June suggested that Russia should be readmitted to the Group of Seven's industrialized countries, Conte was the only other leader at the top to signal his agreement – although he then relaxed his stance, telling reporters, according to Reuters, that sanctions should not "This Italian government is trying to be less Europeanist and more Atlantic," said Stefania Panebianco, who teaches politics at the University of Catania and the LUISS School of Government. "More pro-US and less pro-European."

Up to now, Conte has played a less visible role in the government than Salvini, and some politicians in Rome describe the Minister of the Interior as the de facto prime minister. But Conte has made some waves in Europe, pushing new rules on the continent to process and distribute migrants arriving across the Mediterranean.

Tensions within the Italian coalition erupted earlier this month when Salvini wanted to block access to the port. return with the rescued migrants. Tale gave the green light to migrants after a rare intervention by Italian President, Sergio Mattarella

"We are talking about someone who had no political experience and did not wish to be involved until the end of the day. very recently, "said Nathalie. Tocci, director of the Italian Institute of International Affairs. "But it must be said that, up here, he grows up in something – something that tends to be more constructive than destructive."

In a recent interview with Il Fatto Quotidiano, Conte was asked by the newspaper's editor, Marco Travaglio, why he had so far "so little talked to the Italians."

"Because I feel that Italians are interested in government initiatives, not words," says Conte, who then explained that he had the impression of getting used to

"I forget the fact that a few days ago, I was a simple citizen who was watching [Angela] Merkel and [Emmanuel] Macron on TV.I immediately entered my new role." [19659022] The White House, in its release about Conte's visit, said the leaders will hold a private conversation as well as a bilateral meeting. Tale could seek support from the United States as Rome tries to play a leading role in rebuilding Libya, an energy partner of strategic importance that also helps Italy to restrict migratory traffic. Trump and Conte also evoke trade – a source of tension between the United States and Europe, even after a recent truce that eased fears of a trade war

"Have zero tariffs in all sectors would mean strengthening the Atlantic alliance, "said Licia Mattioli, vice president of Confindustria, the leading Italian industry badociation. "America is the natural ally of Europe – let us return to a serene and profitable relationship for all parties involved."

Stefano Pitrelli contributed to this report.

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