The Latest: Turkish Sent Calls US Sanctions on Iran unwise


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – The latest on the situation in Iran after the re-imposition of all sanctions on the country on Monday (all times local):

6 a.m.

Turkey's top diplomat has criticized the U.S. resumption of sanctions on Iran as a unilateral, not wise and dangerous, calling for a dialogue and compromised.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, in Tokyo for talks with Japanese leaders, told reporters Tuesday that Turkey opposes sanctions because they do not achieve results.

He said cornering Iran is not wise, isolating Iran is dangerous and punishing the Iranians is unfair.

President Donald Trump's administration of sanctions on Iran took effect Monday, though eight major importers of Iranian oil, including Turkey and Japan, are spared a minute from immediate penalties.

Cavusoglu said one-third of Turkey's gas imports come from Iran and it's difficult to any country to immediately diversify their energy mix. He said the U.S. "unilateral" decision affects the world.


5:45 p.m.

Israel's prime minister is lauding the newly restored U.S. sanctions against Iran as "historic," saying they will "strangle" what he described as Iranian state-sponsored terrorism.

Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday at the Trump administration's decision to restore sanctions was already having an effect. He called the move "a big day for the state of Israel."

Israel has been a fierce opponent of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal from which the US has written this year, saying the deal in Iran's regional military activities.

The new sanctions against Iran's shipping, financial and energy sectors come into effect Monday. The U.S. says the sanctions are not aimed at toppling the government, but it is persuading it to radically change its policies, including its support for regional militant groups and its development of long-range ballistic missiles.


2:20 p.m.

China says it regrets the U.S. decision to re-impose sanctions on Iran but will continue to uphold the nuclear deal Beijing has agreed to become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters on Monday that the agreement "should be comprehensively and effectively implemented" despite the fact that the United States pulled out of it in May.

Hua says: "We regret this decision by the U.S."

She added that the international community objects to unilateral sanctions such as those brought by the U.S.

It also said that the United States has withdrawn from the United States, and said Iran has been "strictly fulfilling its obligations" under the agreement.

Hua urged to keep in mind "long-term interests, fulfill their obligations and responsibilities and choose to stand on the right side of history."


2 p.m.

Iranian officials say the country is being targeted by a cyberattack.

Telecommunication Minister Mohammad Javad Azeri Jahromi and his deputy, Hamid Fatahi, both tweeted about the attack on Monday – the same day U.S. sanctions on the country once lifted by the nuclear deal resumed.

They blamed Israel for the attack and said it Iran's communications infrastructure, without elaborating.

Israel's Foreign Ministry declined to comment.

Previously reported Stuxnet, which had thousands of centrifuges involved in Iran's contested nuclear program in 2011. Stuxnet is widely believed to be an American and Israeli creation.

Gen. Gholam Reza Jalali, the head of country's military unit in charge of sabotage fighting, said last week that President Hbadan Rouhani's cellphone was tapped recently.


12:35 p.m.

Iran's foreign ministry is shrugging off the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions on Iran, saying it's nothing new and that the country has gone through a wide range of sanctions in the past.

The ministry's spokesman, Bahram Ghasemi, says that Iranians "have experienced more extensive sanctions" and that they are "not a new issue."

He also called the sanctions that went into effect on Monday "fruitless" and part of the U.S. propaganda and psychological war against Iran.

He claimed the sanctions would backfire and work against the United States and that "many countries from Europe to Russia and China have opposed the sanctions."

The sanctions end all U.S. economic benefits Iran's vital oil industry.


11: 10 am

Israel's defense minister is new to U.S. sanctions against Iran, saying they will deal with "critical blow" to Iran's military presence around the Middle East.

Avigdor Lieberman said in a tweet on Monday that the Trump administration's decision to restore sanctions "is the sea change the Middle East has been waiting for."

Israel has been a fierce opponent of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal from which the United States withdrew this year, saying the deal did not kid in Iran's regional military activities.

The new sanctions against Iran's shipping, financial and energy sectors, come into effect Monday. The U.S. says the sanctions are not aimed at toppling the government, but it is persuading it to radically change its policies, including its support for regional militant groups and its development of long-range ballistic missiles.


11 am

Iran has greeted the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions with air defense drills and an acknowledgment from President Hbadan Rouhani that the nation faces a "war situation."

Mideast tensions as America's maximalist approach to the Islamic Republic takes hold.

The sanctions granted to the world by the United States of America, but for the sake of the future While for a time not threatening to resume higher enrichment, Iranian officials made a point to threaten that could resume at any time faster than before.

The new American sanctions particularly hurt Iran's vital oil industry, a crucial source of hard currency for its anemic economy. Its national currency has been reduced to the last year.

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