The LGBT community presents a list of demands to the government


Following mbadive protests against a law pbaded last week that denies state-sponsored surrogacy to homobadual couples and singles, LGBT organizations have tabled a list of demands for the government at home. A press conference on Wednesday in Tel Aviv.

Organizations published a list of six claims: crime prevention and community violence, recognition of LGBT families, adoption of social services to meet community needs, equality in health care, education for tolerance to help the community Be the first to know –

Chen Arieli, chairman of the LGBT working group of Aguda-Israel, spoke to the meeting at Gan Meir Park Community Center: "The last week has shown that 50,000 strikers who took to the streets of Kiryat Shmona in Beersheba and 100,000 protesters at the biggest protest rally ever organized by the LGBT community stand behind the demands we have made today. the government – listen to the voice of the public and adopt the broad outlines of community organizations for equality The fight will continue until this day that we receive a real commitment to change – not in Applications include harsher penalties for hate crimes committed against members of the community, the amendment of the surrogacy law to include all men and women women, adoption rights for LGBT couples and the inclusion of specific medical procedures and treatments. in the public health basket.

Eran Globus, president of the Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance, said: "Anyone who thinks it is the end does not understand what country he lives in. The document of claims and The March of Equality towards the Gay Pride and the parade of tolerance on August 2nd is the next step in the struggle and we call on the entire Israeli public to join us in the biggest LGBT protest ever seen here. "[19659003OdedFriedtherepresentativeoftheLGBTQKnessetcommunitysaidlastweekshowedhowmuchIsraelisocietybelievesinequalityforthecommunity"Ourdemandsarethewillofthenationthetimehascomeforpoliticianstoactforusandnotforthemselvesorfortheextrememinoritythatcontrolsthem"

Responding to a question about reports that the PMO office had asked community leaders to hold a meeting, Arieli replied that no one from the government had approached them. Moved to tears, Arieli spoke of the hard work, personal funds and time that LGBT leaders put into the cause "by paying a heavy price in their personal lives and carrying the burden of the fight on their shoulders. "

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Asked about media reports that the left was behind recent protests, Arieli said it was time for Israeli society to give up its binary viewpoint. "We are not one block or another and we will cooperate with anyone who will help us advance our cause," she said. [ad_2]
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