The magnitude 4.2 earthquake shakes the north of Israel


A 4.2-magnitude earthquake hit Friday the Kinneret region to the north, according to the Israel Institute of Geophysics, making it the second earthquake in less than 40 years. ;one week.

The earthquake was felt at 11:52, which was also said to scold Tiberias and northern Nazareth.

Benny Sho'an, a 64-year-old resident of Tiberias, said that he was sitting on his balcony overlooking the Sea of ​​Galilee when the earthquake struck.

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"We felt that the table was moving and that the cup of coffee was starting to move," he said. "We are already used to that."

"Nitzah Caspi of Kfar Tavor, a village in the Lower Galilee region, said:" I felt myself shaking in the house. The bed jumped. I have a seismic warning device and recently it has been triggered without stopping. It emits a beep as soon as there is an earthquake. It's the third time I've really felt the earthquake. "

A small 3.4 magnitude earthquake also struck near the Kinneret area on Sunday,
swaying the northern region a few days after a series of minor earthquakes has scolded the region in recent weeks.

A former IDF colonel who served in the Home Front Command warned
the beginning of the month when a major earthquake is expected to fall on Israel in the near future and he urged the general public to follow the advice of the authorities and to prepare accordingly.

"In our region occur earthquakes.The last major earthquake hit in 1927, and the one before in 1836, so we understand that every 100 years a serious earthquake strikes" said Colonel Gili Shenhar (retired).

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