The mayor of Sderot calls Netanyahu to go to the south – News from Israel


  Mayor of Sderot calls Netanyahu to go to the south

A car and house in Sderot damaged by a rocket fired by Hamas.
(Photo credit: REUTERS)


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Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit southerners and listen to their feelings about the difficult weekend they have known, in which nearly 200 projectiles were fired from the Gaza Strip. "Our feelings about the ceasefire are very difficult, it is Hamas who decides to open fire or cease fire and not the state of Israel", said Davidi. Sderot. Another rocket hit the courtyard of a community synagogue.

"I call on the Prime Minister and the ministers to be with the locals, to go down south and listen to the voices of their hearts at the end of The most difficult week here since the Operation Protective Edge, "he said.

A mother, a father and their two teenage daughters were wounded by shrapnel and all were evacuated Saturday by Magen David Adom at the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. ] Magen David Admon said that a 14-year-old girl had been slightly injured in her legs, that a 15-year-old had been slightly injured by shards of glbad and that a man of 52 years old was in Barzilai. Medical Center spokeswoman Eilat Keidar said at the Jerusalem Post on Sunday morning that the four were in a mild to moderate and stable state, having all suffered shrapnel wounds in various parts of the city. their body. The father had to have an operation this morning.

It is not known yet when they will be released from the hospital.

Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Uri Ariel visited the house that was hit by a rocket Sunday morning in Sderot and sent his best wishes to the family. "I hereby call on the Prime Minister to take serious measures and not to let Hamas dictate the agenda," said Zionist Union leader Avi Gabbay to Sderot and the president of the Sderot youth council, Dvir Sasi. told him that his 7-year-old neighbor was screaming that he did not want to die. "That's what the Prime Minister should have heard if he had bothered to come," said Gabbay.

Anna Ahronheim contributed to this report

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