The Minister of Defense meets the President of Israel, his counterpart


ZAGREB, 4 July 2018 – During his official visit to Israel, Croatian Defense Minister Damir Krstičević met his Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman in Tel Aviv on Tuesday and said the two countries were strengthening their strategic partnership, and their long-term political and economic cooperation would pave the way for new investments that would impact the development of the Croatian defense industry and economy.

Krstičević also met with President Reuven Rivlin on Tuesday, according to a press release from the Croatian Ministry

The Lieberman-Krstičević meeting in Tel Aviv was the first meeting of the two defense ministers for talks since the Croatian government decided to buy versatile F-16 Barak fighter aircraft from Israel. The two ministers discussed the strategic cooperation, the evolution of the acquisition of jet fighters, the expansion of defense cooperation, with a focus on cybersecurity, training and education

. as well as other networks between defense industries and prospects for economic cooperation in other areas, the ministry said in the press release. "Two years ago, when Israel needed help, we deployed our firefighting squadron and, since then, this is our fourth meeting, we are strengthening a strategic partnership between Israel and Croatia, "said Minister Krstičević. "We discussed the advancement of military cooperation … We need the experience of Israel in the field of cybercrime," he said.

Minister Liberman thanked Krstičević for visiting Israel. Your visit to Israel is a sign of our friendship and cooperation. We discussed the current and future cooperation and hope that we will continue to achieve our joint plans, said Lieberman and congratulated the Croatian football team for its success in the World Cup.

Krstičević then met with President Rivlin with a focus on the security situation in South East Europe and the Middle East. During his official visit, Mr Krstičević went to Yad Vashem, the world center for Holocaust remembrance in Jerusalem, where he laid a wreath and paid tribute to the victims of the Holocaust. holocaust.

"In this solemn place that bears witness to tragic sacrifice and deep suffering, I wish to express my sympathy to the entire Jewish nation, I wish to express my condolences to the families of the victims and send them an encouraging message because I am proud to have had the opportunity to personally contribute to strengthening the friendship between Jews and Croats, ie Croatia and Israel, and I am convinced that we are confronted with "Krstičević wrote in Yad Vashem's Book of Remembrance

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