The Minister of the Palestinian Authority: Khan al-Ahmar School will defeat the occupation – the Arab-Israeli conflict


  Palestinian children attend clbades at school that began in 2018 in Khan al-Ahmar and will be demolished

Palestinian children take clbades to school in 2018 in Khan al-Amar which will be demolished in the West Bank.

The Palestinian Authority on Monday opened the Rubber Tire Primary School in Khan al-Ahmar, a few weeks before the new school year, to protest the impending Israeli demolition of the illegal village of Bedouins from the West Bank.

The PA Education Minister, Sabri Saidam, said at the opening ceremony of the school.

He sat under an awning that had been installed in the small yard with green plastic grbad, built next to the school made of mud and tires. It was financed mainly by an Italian non-governmental group.

Saidam said: "The money from the donors is spent on education, we do not use them to build iron domes or rockets. We do not use money to delete people. We want our children to say that the bullets inside our pens are stronger than the bullets in the guns.

"We are proud of each of our sons and daughters. For us, they represent the battle of firmness. From there we declare the opening of the 2018/2019 academic year, "Saiddam said.

He explained that this school had a special role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because it could be Strong against Israel How many schools have defeated weapons? Education, by the will of God, will defeat the army of occupation, Saidam said.

Deputy Ahmed Tibi (Common List), who was among the officials sitting near him next to a Palestinian flag, also spoke. ] He tweeted after, "This is a battle between the weapons of occupation and the students' notebooks of Khan al-Ahmar and I am with them."

The right-wing NGO Regavim tried to stop the opening of the school of Tire by asking the High Court of Justice to issue an injunction obliging him to stay closed.

"The chutzpah of the Palestinian Authority and its European collaborators have crossed all possible frontiers," Regavim told the media

. Residents of Khan al-Ahmar to stay on the hill overlooking Highway 1 were part of the Palestinian Authority's plan to provide land control in Zone C near Jerusalem and in the Ma settlements area. Aleh Adumim and Kfar Adumim.

The Palestinian Authority has been functioning for more than a decade "At this moment, it seems that the Israeli government is yielding to European pressure and that it is imposing the law [when it comes to illegal Jewish homes] on Amona and Ofra .

The tents and huts breeding village is home to the Jahalin Bedouin tribe. In the early 1950s, Israel relocated Jahalin Bedouin from the Beersheba region in the West Bank, while it was under Jordanian control.

Israel would now like to relocate the Jahalin to Khan al-Ahmar in a new district in the West Bank, the Palestinian town of Abu Dis, called Jahalin West

She offered to exchange their tents for dwellings permanent.

Palestinians argued that Arab residents of this region belonged to a different tribe and warned them not to

They would like permanent homes on the lands they now inhabit, which is located in one kilometer from a new expansion plan of Kfar Adumim settlement.

The AP argued that the relocation of Khan al-Ahmar The battle has reached international proportions, the United Nations and the European Union putting pressure on Israel for it not to demolish the village of breeders.

The High Court of Justice had initially given the green light to the demolition. But after IDF tractors began preliminary work on the demolition, the Palestinians issued two last-minute appeals to the High Court of Justice.

One of the appeals was that the village was built on private Palestinian land. have the authority to evacuate the inhabitants of Khan al-Ahmar

The High Court of Justice issued temporary injunctions against the demolition and agreed to hear all new petitions, including the one of Regavim, at the latest on August 15

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