The new anti-Semitism code of conduct of workers has been described as "without teeth"


Labor approved a "detailed and comprehensive" code of conduct on anti-Semitism, but the guidelines were labeled "without teeth" by furious activists and community groups.

The code was conceived as a result of an argument that saw Jewish groups protesting in Parliament – and explicitly states that "anti-Semitism is racism," he said. It is unacceptable in our party and in society in general ".

But he also says that criticism of Israel and its policies should not automatically be considered anti-Semitic

The code of conduct states that even "contentious" comments will not be treated as Antisemitism unless accompanied by specific anti-Semitic content … or any other evidence

He says: "The party will encourage thoughtful and respectful debate on these difficult topics, but will not will not tolerate insults and abuse. "

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The new guidelines endorse the work definition of anti-Semitism as stated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)

. list of behaviors likely to be considered anti-Semitic – taken from the set of IHRA examples

This includes the call to murder Jews, allegations of Jewish conspiracy or of control of the media and the economy, denial of the Holocaust or the "Libelle de sang".

However, the code provoked more controversy, as it does not include four behaviors identified as anti-Semitic by the IHRA:

:: Accusing Jews of 39 to be more
:: Affirming that the existence of Israel as a state is a racist enterprise
:: Demanding higher standards of behavior of Israel's share than other nations; and
:: Comparing contemporary Israeli politics to that of the Nazis.

  A Labor Party supporter wears a rosette in support of the political party when counting the Basildon elections at the Sports Village in Basildon, Esbad. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Date of the photo: Friday, May 6, 2016. See the history of the AP POLITICS Election. Photo credit should read: Hannah McKay / PA Wire.


'I was told that I am racist because I wore a red rosette'.

The code of conduct says that it's not always obvious if certain words or actions are anti-Semitic, with "a particular difficulty" around the relationship between anti-Semitism and criticism of 39; Israel.

According to the guidelines, Labor "is clear that the Jewish people have the same right to self-determination as any other people" and deny this constitutes anti-Semitism Debating the circumstances of the founding of the The Israeli state in 1948 and its impact on the Palestinian people "constitute a legitimate part of the modern political discourse".

He says that "you have to be careful when dealing with these subjects". and it is wrong to hold Jews accountable for the actions of Israel or to demand that they be stronger in their condemnation of such acts.

While the code states that it is not anti-Semitic to refer to Zionism or the Zionists in the debate about the events in the Middle East, it is "forbidden" to Use Zionist or "zio" as "code word for Jew".

A Labor Party spokesman said the guidelines were "the most detailed and comprehensive guidelines on anti-Semitism political party in this country. "

  Protesters gather on Parliament Square, Westminster


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But Jonathan Goldstein, president of the Jewish Leadership Council, and Marie van der Zyl, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, said: "The Jewish community in the United Kingdom has fully adopted the definition of anti-Semitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, as did the British government, the United Kingdom. Welsh Assembly, Scottish Parliament, 124 "It is impossible to understand why Labor refuses to align with this universal definition."

"His actions only dilute the definition and further weaken the current lack of trust that British Jews have in their sincerity in tackling anti-Semitism within the Labor movement." [19659003] Labor Against Antisemism has called the code of conduct "racist". The campaign group said: "The recommendations omit significant aspects of the IHRA's working definition of anti-Semitism (which the CEN had already fully adopted in December 2016) and distort the fact that it is not possible. other aspects. "

They added:" The members of the Labor movement who have campaigned against discrimination in any form must understand that they "

" They must understand that they can not be complicit in approving this document, which is an insult to the Jewish community, Jewish Labor members, and the traditions of the Labor Party.

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