The official slogan of the Eurovision-2019


Обнародован официальный слоган Евровидения-2019

The slogan of the upcoming contest announced.

Wave resonance news on the next song contest “Eurovision” shook the entire world. However, the organizers decided to hold the show in Israel under the motto “Let yourself daydream” (Dare to Dream).

The slogan of the upcoming competition announced after a meeting of the Executive Director of “Eurovision” and the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu.

This is the slogan that inspires, represents and symbolizes everything about the song contest “Eurovision”. We are talking about inclusion, about diversity, about unity. Standing on the stage, allowing himself to dream of victory on “Eurovision”, be bold enough, confident enough speaking in front of a worldwide audience. This is what you need to dream,– said the Executive Director of the song contest Jon Ola sand.

According to him, the singer Netta Barzilai came on the scene with a dream to return to Eurovision in Israel. “And it succeeded”, he added.

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