The OnePlus 6T event postponed to October 29


The rehearsal day may have become the big day for OnePlus.

Yesterday, Apple announced an event at 10am EST on October 30 in Brooklyn. It could have been great on other days, but for OnePlus, it came into conflict with an event that happened an hour later in Manhattan for the OnePlus 6T.

Since this is the "visiting team" in this situation, he decided to move his event to New York on October 29 at 11am.

CEO Pete Lau said in a message posted on the company's forums that he had spoken to members of the press and had felt that the OnePlus 6T would be overshadowed by a new iPad Pro, new Macs and more. 39 other materials. He also contacted those who had booked tickets and flights to get to the event.

As ambitious and pbadionate as we all are, we must recognize the reality of this situation. There are no winners here. In almost 5 years, we have been proud to witness the rise of one of the most pbadionate and powerful communities of all technologies. But we must remain realistic. We have just started our journey and we can not afford to let one of the most important products in our history be affected by another great product launch.

The company offers the refund of the tickets. It also makes the ambitious decision to cover all costs badociated with travel and accommodation changes.

The event in New Delhi will take place on October 30 at 8:30 pm Eastern Time. Participants will always have a reason to come: participants will be entitled to a free swag (including Bullets Wireless headsets) and will have the option to lock their purchase of a OnePlus 6T.

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