The patient stabs a nurse at the hospital; Israeli nurses union calls for strike


A nurse is in a moderate but stable state after being stabbed by a patient at Shmuel Ha'rofe hospital in the city of Beer Yaakov in Israel on Monday night.

The suspect, an asylum seeker from Eritrea in his thirties who was a patient at the hospital, was arrested and taken away for questioning by the police.

In response to the attack, the president of the nurses' union, Ilana Cohen, called for a strike on Wednesday.

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"We need to stop violence in the health system," Cohen said. "We are going to close the whole system on Wednesday to make it clear – enough violence!"

The Ministry of Health declared that it strongly condemned the violence and ordered that security be strengthened in health institutions.

Yaakov Litzman attends the Knesset Meeting of the Health Committee on July 2, 2018. (Hadas Parush / Flash90)

"We are committed to the safety and security of the treatment teams, and we will work with the police and the Ministry of Public Security to ensure the attack occurs the day after a five-month community service sentence pbaded against a woman for several cases of badault, including against security guards from the hospital

The judge noted that "violence against medical personnel and security guards has spread and it is up to the court to protect the medical staff."

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