The peace agreement between Eritrea and Ethiopia leads to a new debate on illegal migrants – Israel News


  Eritrea-Ethiopia peace agreement leads to a new debate on illegal migrants

An African migrant wears a T-shirt with a Hebrew phrase referring to the Holocaust, "I promise to remind me … and never forget! " south of Tel Aviv on July 17, 2013 ..
(Photo credit: REUTERS)


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The future of illegal immigrants from Israel is in the news following reports on Tuesday and Wednesday of the signing of a peace agreement between Ethiopia and the United States. 39; Eritrea.

Between June 5 and July 15, the two East African countries to resolve their conflict by several decades. With reports on Monday that Eritrea will reduce the length of military service from 18 to 50 years to just 18 months, Israeli officials have begun to badess how this could affect the status of Eritrean infiltrators in Israel.

Ministry of Justice Ayelet Shaked and Knesset The chairman of the Interior Committee, Yoav Kisch, said that once Eritrea eliminated or reduced, Eritreans currently in Israel should be fired in Eritrea.

Since the mid-2000s, there has been a battle in Israel between pro and anti-migrants. groups on the fate of tens of thousands of African migrant workers here, most of whom have fled to Eritrea or Sudan. Should they be granted refugee status, returned to their country of origin or deported to a third country? Pro-migrant groups, including the UN, have said that Eritreans can not be sent back to Eritrea safely for fear of persecution under the country's draconian laws. Regarded as refractory or deserters, they could be subjected to torture or death.

Under international law, this fear of persecution would allow Eritreans to remain in Israel even though almost all have illegally infiltrated Israel before a border fence. Now, Shaked and Kisch argue that peace, with the elimination or reduction of the project, means that there is no valid reason why Eritreans can not be expelled

. "If as a result of the peace agreement, the draft obligation is annulled, Israel may return the invaders to Eritrea and this is good news for the inhabitants of South Tel Aviv", who protested that most migrants have taken up residence, said Shaked on Tuesday.

A spokesman for the direct line for refugees and migrants said The Jerusalem Post On Wednesday, these politicians did not understand the complexity of the issue.

First, she said, the peace agreement is still new and might not last. Previous negotiations have resulted in agreements that have quickly eroded, she warned. According to her, even if the peace agreement is real, the Eritrean government itself has not officially announced the end or the sharp reduction of the project. Some media reports based on interviews with a handful of recruits scarcely mark a policy change, she argued.

Finally, even though the project was completed or reduced, indications suggest that Eritrea still considers desertion a serious crime, and may refuse to accept those who fled the country before the peace agreement . She noted that this acceptance could also be seen as rewarding those who were disloyal to the regime.

Representatives of the various ministries who addressed the issue on Wednesday at the Knesset's Domestic Committee said that they should check that the return of the Eritreans would not endanger the personal safety of the returnees.

The future of Eritrean and Ethiopian communities living in Israel for the most part in southern Tel Aviv remains uncertain.

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