The people of Khan Al-Ahmar simple pawns in the cruel Israeli game


The people of Khan Al-Ahmar are only pawns in a cruel Israeli game

In an international poll published last week, Israel ranked among the 10 most powerful countries in the world, reaching even eight. This is pretty impressive for a country of just over 8 million people with endless domestic and regional intricacies. How, then, should a world force prioritize the evacuation of a few dozen families from the Bedouin village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the occupied territories, and do everything in its power to achieve this? What is the threat to the national interest of Israel for about 180 people of the Jahalin tribe?

At the time when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu alerted the world to the existential threats of Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas against the Jewish state, he would surely existed a more humane way of managing some makeshift dwellings. some of the poorest inhabitants of the West Bank. Not to mention the fact that these people have been kicked by the Israeli authorities since they were expelled by the military from their home in the Negev and transferred to the West Bank in the 1950s.

In this tragic episode, the arbitrary Israeli occupation is woven with its ruthless approach to the Bedouin people on both sides of the Green Line and the Palestinian people in general, in what appears to be a plot to divide the West Bank. It's a struggle between two extremely unequal parties. One has the power and resources, the other has neither one nor the other, but has morality on his side. Had there been no support from non-governmental organizations and human rights activists to continue their action before the Israeli High Court of Justice, the residents of Khan Al -Ahmar would have been expelled a long time ago. Anyone who observes this village on the side of Highway 1 can see that it is only a collection of tin huts and tents used to house residents and their livestock. One of the only sustainable buildings in Khan Al-Ahmar is known as "The School of Tires" and was built thanks to European support.

For Israel to argue that the structures were built illegally, the state has the right to demolish them and forcefully remove their inhabitants – making fun of notions of law and legality. The land in question is, according to international law, occupied. This renders illegal any action by the Israeli authorities in that country. In their recent petition to the High Court of Justice, village officials presented evidence that the land is private and not owned by the state, as claimed by the Israeli government, and whatever its status in this respect, it is claimed by an occupying force that has no legitimacy.

Even the argument that, regardless of the anomaly of the situation, there must be an institutional authority to monitor building permissions is quite hypocritical, considering that there is 101 Jewish settlements that are Jewish settlements do absolutely nothing to remove. On the contrary, a concerted effort is underway to retrospectively legalize these outposts, despite the fact that their residents are Israeli citizens who, in addition to being offenders, have many privileged alternatives rather than alternatives. to have to conquer other Palestinian lands.

Instead of dismantling Jewish outposts, Israeli authorities ensure that they have access to water, electricity and other services. These double standards are scandalous. If the entire conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is hopelessly asymmetrical, the case of Khan Al-Ahmar illustrates it in the most extreme way: it is a frightening example of the dignity of people and Palestinians. Human rights violated and trampled by horrendous abuse Those who are not familiar with this sad episode will probably wonder why the government is so adamant to remove so few people from a small piece of land , employing his security forces, the fighter in Upper Canada. Court of Justice and risk further friction with Palestinians and the international community. There is a rather simple answer to this question, and it is not Israel's deep attachment to the rule of law, but rather its determination to make a two-state solution unviable.

It is a frightening example of the violation of human dignity and human rights by a frightful abuse of power

Yossi Mekelberg

The location of Khan Al-Ahmar within of the controversial E1 area is the source of Israel's determination to rid it of Palestinians. This small piece of territory of about 4.5 square miles is located between Jerusalem and the main Israeli settlement of Ma Adumim. It has become Israel's long-term strategy for creating a territorial link between the two cities, which would make a contiguous Palestinian state unachievable. This leaves the inhabitants of Khan Al-Ahmar as mere pawns in the Israeli government's march towards the burial of the two-state solution.

It is consistent with Israel's overall policy of expanding its settlements and building an infrastructure that would make the removal of such settlements almost impossible, and on the march to achieve this to show the disregard for the lives, well-being and rights of Palestinians. Residents of Khan Al-Ahmar and similar communities in the surrounding area face a daily struggle to generate income; they have limited access to health, education and social protection services; and their standard of living and access to resources are light years away from Jewish settlements, which are only a stone's throw away. The Israeli organization of human rights B & Tselem has long warned that, to achieve their goal of bisecting the West Bank, "the Israeli authorities have made the lives of the inhabitants intolerable, in the US. hope to make them leave their homes, ostensibly of their own free will. "

Occupation is the ultimate manifestation of arbitrary domination over others, as it" confers absolute power to the occupiers and deprives those who are under occupation of the ability to conduct their own business. The inhuman treatment of the people of Khan Al-Ahmar shows us the occupation in all its ugliness. It remains for decent Israeli citizens to express their disgust and to make it clear that this is not done on their behalf; and for the international community to protest out loud.

  • Yossi Mekelberg is Professor of International Relations at Regent University in London, where he directs the International Relations and Social Sciences Program. He is also an badociate member of the MENA program at Chatham House. Twitter: @YMekelberg

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