The photo that sums up the secret of why Boris Johnson really resigned


The photos presented in Telegraph on July 10 summarize the secret of the reason why Boris Johnson really resigned. Outgoing Foreign Minister David Lammy has written a colorful language describing what this behavior suggests:

The fact that @BorisJohnson arranged a photo opportunity. Photoshoot of himself by signing his resignation letter for the first few pages tells us everything we need to know about him. Self-obsessed, vain egocentric, devoid of substance, caring only for himself and advancing his career. Good riddance.

– David Lammy (@DavidLammy) 9 July 2018

The Secret Open

Johnson states that he resigned because the Prime Minister The Brexit proposals are too watered down, even going so far as to say that the United Kingdom is moving towards colony status.

But the MP from Uxbridge and South Ruislip was remarkably inconsistent in his views on the EU. In fact, Johnson argued fundamentally to the opposite of the debate almost until the EU referendum in 2016.

As far back as February 2016, Johnson said:

leaving would cause to least some commercial uncertainty, while blurring the government for several years into a difficult process of negotiating new arrangements, thus diverting energy from the real problems of this country – poor skills, low social mobility, low investment, etc. – which have nothing to do with Europe

only a month later and Johnson and his advisers had apparently reinvented the conservative millionaire as the leader of Brexite Tory in the meantime. In March 2016, Johnson had indeed changed the air:

ignores the pessimists and merchants of misfortune. I think we can reach an agreement, as Canadians have done, on the basis of trade and the elimination of tariffs. It's a very, very bright future that I see

So it's no wonder that people cast a shadow on Johnson's photograph Telegraph : [19659002] Boris Johnson found time today for a photographer 's resignation letter. Does not this all speak of his absurdity, his perfection, his vanity? He will not miss.

– JOHN NICOLSON (@MrJohnNicolson) 9 July 2018

"Boris here I would like to book a photographer."
" Marriage? "
" No "
" Feast? "
" No "
" Engagement "
" No "
" Fashion? "
" The Good God No "
" The Amoral Shell says he's resigning in principle, but he's just shitting his bed to attract attention and pursue his own career? "
" Yes, that's it that. "Https://

– James Felton (@JimMFelton) July 10, 2018

And people see through all the performance of the resignation:

Boris Johnson: a handy guide on what is and what is not a problem of resignation.

– David Schneider (@davidschneider) July 9, 2018 [19659004] Reinventing themselves as a leading figure of leave

By becoming a leader of overnight leave, Johnson said in March 2016:

Britain leaving the European Union would be like a prisoner of war. Escape from prison

Yet only a few months before, in August 2015, the descendant of King George II said:

My ideal world is, we are here, we are in the EU, trying to do better.

Johnson could not go for Conservative leadership on a David Cameron Remain ticket or the current Prime Minister May. The only coherent thing in his view of the EU is what is politically practical to advance his career at the time – as suggested by the photographs of Telegraph . Of course, Johnson could get away with such behavior on the back of a biased corporate media, which always takes his comments at face value:

Boris resignation letter says Brexit "dream dies" and we are head "for the status of a colony."

– Andrew Neil (@afneil) On July 9, 2018

Johnson was an embarrbadment to the country as a Secretary of Foreign Affairs While we should be happy that he has left, the Prime Minister has simply reworked another millionaire aristocrat in his position.We must demand a general election and quickly overthrow the entire Conservative government

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Featured Image via the British Prime Minister / Flickr and the United Kingdom in Japan – FCO / Flickr

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