The Prime Minister claims that he has never enjoyed a favorable coverage of Walla! NEW


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a police statement during a Tuesday interrogation in the Bezeq-Walla case involving alleged illicit counterpart
of business, that his family has not benefited from a favorable coverage of Bezeq, as alleged by the investigation into corruption, also known as Case 4000.

"My wife has enjoyed favorable coverage? 75% of the articles are against her," said the prime minister during the interrogation.

Netanyahu was well prepared for the interrogation and arrived with various documents, including articles from Walla! News and financial statements of his time as Minister of Communications.

   (Photo: Shaul Golan)

(Photo: Shaul Golan)

"These are the documents to which you have access", he exclaimed to the investigators. "Take the financial balances of Bezeq when I was minister and that Filber was CEO of Bezeq … Bezeq suffered financial losses.

"Momo Filber," continued the prime minister, "he gave in to Hot and forced Bezeq to allow them to use his infrastructure, and it resulted in great financial losses."

Netanyahu also denied having approved the merger of Bezeq and the satellite TV provider Yes.

"I did not approve it, I just signed it formally, the merger was approved by committees established during Kahlon," he said in testimony.

The Prime Minister introduced investigators Walla! Press articles that he had brought and added "My wife received favorable coverage? 75% of the articles are against her."

Netanyahu also provides them text messages that his wife Sara sent to Iris, Bezeq's majority shareholder, Shaul Elovich.

"You slaughter me, you leftists," she rages in one of the messages.

Prime Minister asked investigators "If there was a bribe, why did not Sara write what she gave them?"

David Shimron and Yitzhak Molcho, lawyers and parents of Netanyahu, also testified openly in the case.

"There are no 4000 cases, no 2000 cases and no 1000 cases. We have collected evidence in recent months that prove it," said a source badociated with the prime minister.

  Shaul Elovich (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

Shaul Elovich (Photo: Motti Kimchi)

During the interrogation, Netanyahu was mainly confronted with the testimony of the state witness Nir Hefetz,
the former media advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin and the one who relayed Netanyahu's orders to the former director general of the Ministry of Communication, Shlomo Filber, and from there to Elovich.

Police suspect that Bezeq received benefits of about one billion NIS from the Ministry of Communications in exchange for a favorable coverage of Netanyahu and his family in the Walla! website, which belongs to Elovich.

A statement on behalf of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was issued after the end of the interrogation.

"Nothing new has been presented to the Prime Minister Prime Minister Netanyahu has never reached an agreement with Shaul Elovich in return for a favorable coverage, and This is why, over the years, Prime Minister Netanyahu has always been hostile to Walla, Negative coverage reached its peak with a flood of toxic items on the eve of the 2015 elections, with the aim of to convince the public to vote against him.It is the exact period during which he is accused of having made the case alleged, "concluded the statement.

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