The Punk band at Ben Stiller High School revives his 1982 album "ridiculously bizarre"


News Written by Music Feeds on July 14, 2018

Derek Zoolander himself, also known as Ben Stiller, is in fact a good rocker – having spent his formative years as a drummer for the brutally named group "Capital Punishment". Now, the world will be able to bathe in the music of teenager Stiller, thanks to an independent label of Brooklyn.

In 2015, Stiller revealed that at the age of 15 or 16 he was the drummer of a "ridiculously weird" high school group. inspired in part by the music of David Bowie and Brian Eno.

They formed in New York in 1979. Stiller was on drums putting down the beats of his three clbadmates who became punk bandits. music that would no doubt later influence some of his key roles in the cinema.

"What happened? I know that these existed, but people who did not only weird music, I guess it was found and they asked us if they could raise it, "he said at the time

Brooklyn's Broken Tracks label , home of Mac DeMarco and Perfect Pussy, who announced that an enlarged version of their one and only LP Roadkill will be released on September 14 with two bonus tracks

While you wait, you can hear the very artistic and bizarre single "Muzak Anonymous" from the disc below.

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